1.Includes a wide variety of people – Jews and Gentiles – men and women (9 women; 5 highly commended) – slaves, former slaves, wealthy patrons.


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Presentation transcript:

1.Includes a wide variety of people – Jews and Gentiles – men and women (9 women; 5 highly commended) – slaves, former slaves, wealthy patrons

1.Includes a wide variety of people 2.Includes 3 home churches 3.Commends them for their service – – Pheobe: “servant... helper of many” – – Prisca & Aquila: “fellow workers... for my life risked their own necks” – – Mary: “worked hard” – – Urbanus: “our fellow worker in Christ”

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) Matthew 20:26–28 “...whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) – Find a place to serve – Praise people’s service

Galatians 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

Divides believers (v17) Divides believers (v17) Deceives believers (v18) Deceives believers (v18)

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) 2.Devoted to essential doctrine (v17-20) i.Determine what beliefs are essential essential: One God, One Gospel (v25-27) essential: truthfulness of scripture essential: return of Christ; heaven & hell non-essential: end-times details non-essential: sign gifts (tongues)

 About Grace  Who we Are  Doctrine

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) 2.Devoted to essential doctrine (v17-20) i.Determine what beliefs are essential ii.Know the essentials by heart

 Downloads  Bible Studies  Essentials

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) 2.Devoted to essential doctrine (v17-20) i.Determine what issues are essential ii.Know the essentials by heart iii.Beware teaching that contradicts the essentials

1.Full of selfless servants (v1-16) 2.Devoted to essential doctrine (v17-20)