1 Session 1: Overview of Title III Plan, Data, and Review of Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) Title III Access to Core Professional Development Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support Language Acquisition Branch
2 Long Range Goals Achieve consistency and continuity in our understanding of SDAIE and how we communicate it to all stakeholders. Implement effective district-wide use of SDAIE to provide access to core curriculum for English learners. Build a Culturally Relevant and Responsive (CRRE) learning environment incorporating the different ways our students learn, behave, and use communicative language patterns.
3 Objectives 1.Share English learner achievement data. 2.Acquire a common definition of SDAIE/sheltered instruction that can be operationalized throughout the district. 3.Identify the features within the four critical elements of SDAIE. 4.Develop a common lexicon to describe SDAIE and its characteristics.
4 “Universal Access (UA) refers to the right of all students to have equal opportunity and access to high quality, grade-level instruction regardless of socio-economic status, ethnicity, background, or disabilities. In order to ensure UA for all, instruction is differentiated to meet students’ needs.” p.3 Multi -Tiered Framework for Instruction, Intervention, and Support, BUL-4827, LAUSD, July, 2009
5 NCLB Title III Student Achievement Targets
6 NCLB Student Achievement Targets All Subgroups must meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in ELA and math for LAUSD to exit PI Annual progress for English Learners is measured by the following Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives: –AMAO 1: Percent making annual progress in English –AMAO 2: Percent attaining English proficiency –AMAO 3: Percent proficient in ELA and Math
7 Target AYP Targets and Percentage of Students Proficient in ELA (AMAO 3)
8 AYP Targets, ELA
9 AYP Targets and Percentage of Students Proficient in Mathematics (AMAO 3) Target
10 AYP Targets, Math
11 CELDT and CST ELA Achievement LAUSD Districts ELs Proficient on CELDT
12 CELDT and Math CST Achievement LAUSD Districts ELs Proficient on CELDT
13 Title III Action Plan Tenets All students have access to robust/rigorous first teaching All English Learners have access to appropriate ELD Implement common access to core strategies for math and English language arts in Kindergarten - 12 th grades Professional Development for teachers, administrators, and support staff aligned to AMAOs 1-3
14 SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English
17 Self-reflection Quick Write: Define SDAIE
18 SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English SDAIE is a methodology (a set of specific strategies) designed to make instruction comprehensible and to make grade level academic content accessible for English learners.
19 Effective Access to Core instruction is characterized by four critical elements: “3 C’s and an I” Four Critical Elements of SDAIE Content Connections Comprehensibility Interaction
21 Four Critical Elements of SDAIE: Reading Activity Select a recorder, timekeeper and reporter for your group Read assigned section/s on your own Table Talk - Identify 4-5 key points/critical features of the section/s - Chart key points on the Divided Circle Map Group Share
22 ContentConnections SDAIE
23 Four Critical Elements of SDAIE: Reading Activity Select a recorder, timekeeper and reporter for your group Read assigned section/s on your own Table Talk - Identify 4-5 key points/critical features of the section/s - Chart key points on the Divided Circle Map Group Share
24 Content Determine key concepts and skills from state frameworks and standards Design lesson objectives that focus on specific concepts and language Use district/state adopted grade level curriculum Choose ancillary text and other materials that help clarify the content
25 Connections Build connections between what is to be learned and what students already know. Take into consideration: - Previous content learning - Processes and skills learned (e.g., Think-Pair- Share, outlines) - Personal experiences (e.g., selecting culturally responsive examples from the student’s life to illustrate a key concept) Organize lessons that build on previous knowledge
26 ContentConnections Comprehensibility SDAIE
27 Comprehensibility Combine visual clues such as pictures, diagrams with verbal and written communication Make a one to one correspondence between spoken and written concept and the visual clue Control range and diversity of vocabulary (e.g., idiomatic expressions) Repeat new key words in different context and chart them Check frequently for comprehension
28 ContentConnections Comprehensibility SDAIE Interaction
29 Interaction Use a variety of groupings Use modeling and sentence frames to scaffold academic language development Make sure students use targeted academic language Ask many and varied questions
31 Video Observation
32 Video Observation Activity Identify features of each of the critical elements as you observe the video clip Record your observations on handout - Table Talk Group Share
33 High school SDAIE Chemistry lesson Main Standard: 5. Acids, bases, and salts are three classes of compounds that form ions in water solutions. Focus Standard: 5a. Students know the observable properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions.
34 Play Video Clip
35 Clear content and language objectives Tapped students personal experiences with chemicals Briefly reviewed previous learning Reinforced previously learned vocabulary Teacher to student interaction only Asked questions Restated vocabulary Used key vocabulary in different context Combined visual clues with verbal communication One to one correspondence between spoken and written vocabulary to the visual clue
36 Objectives 1.Share English learner achievement data. 2.Acquire a common definition of SDAIE/sheltered instruction that can be operationalized throughout the district. 3.Identify the features within the four critical elements of SDAIE. 4.Develop a common lexicon to describe SDAIE and its characteristics.
37 Next Steps Continue to deepen our knowledge of SDAIE methodology to provide access to core for English learners. Session 2: Introduction of the Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template Session 3: UA/SDAIE Lesson Design Template - Language Objective as the Key to Providing Equitable Access to the Core Instruction
38 “A language is not just a grammar and a vocabulary. It is a flash of the human spirit. The soul of a culture, the old-growth forest of the mind.” - Wade Davis Anthropologist