Datamodel Vector Raster Lattice Tin Image tabel
Raster: GRID
The Netherlands Stereographic projection Ellipsoid of Bessel Amersfoort False easting , false northing NAP
Datasets of the Netherlands Top10vector & Top10NL GBKN (via wms) Bodemstatistiek CBS LGN (4) AHN (1) + proefset versie 2 Aerial photography Alterra Soilmap/Geomorphology
Datasets of the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat: Ecotopes Nationaal wegenbestand: Roads Administrative maps: Bonne blaadjes (historic topography) Dino And many more….
Top10vector & Top10NL Vector (10, 50) Raster (25,50,250) Cover shapefile Geodatabase
Bodemstatistiek Functional landuse CBS Top10 base 1989, 1993,1996, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008
AHN 16 m2 min #1pt 5cm sd=15cm
Aerial photography Oblique Stereo Ortho Jaarlijks (DLG)
protocols Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) Web Feature Service (WFS) Web Coverage Service (WCS)
server/client (OGC) UMN mapserver GeoServer ArcGIS Server Thredds (TDS) Mscross Google earth Arcgis Desktop Arcexplorer uDig gvSIG
Google Earth KML/KMZ
What is RS Remote Sensing is the science or the technique of deriving information about objects at the Earth surface from images using (parts of) the electromagnetic spectrum Measuring electromagnetic energy (light), reflected or emitted Non-destructive method, no physical contact Surveying the spatial distribution of objects Determining properties of objects Monitoring the dynamics of features
Global datasets MSS/TM5/TM7 ASTER + ASTER GDEM GTOPO30/SRTM30/3/1 VMAP0
TM5_mrsid RGB=7,4,2 30 meter 23.4 Gb
TM7_mrsid RGB=7,4,2 15 meter 117 Gb
GTOPO30 30 arcseconds
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Uses radar interferometry (SIR-C/X-SAR) Maps 80% of the Earth in 11 days Horizontal accuracy: 20 m Vertical accuracy: 16 m Resolution: 1 arc second (ca. 30 m)
ASTER/MODIS Product Description The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is one of a number of instruments on board the Terra platform,Terra which was launched in December ASTER provides fourteen spectral bands with 15- to 90-meter resolution depending on bands. ASTER does not acquire data continuously, and its sensors are activated only to collect specific scenes upon request. The instrument consists of three separate telescopes, each of which provides different spectral range and resolution. The VNIR (visible and near-infrared) sensor provides 4 bands at 15-meter resolution. The SWIR (short-wave infrared) sensor provides 6 bands at 30-meter resolution. The TIR (thermal infrared) sensor provides 5 bands at 90-meter resolution. The swath width for all sensors is 60 kilometers. ASTER data is generally available in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, although some individual scenes may be cast to an alternative projection. The data is referenced to the World Geodetic Survey (WGS) system of 1984 (WGS84). Files are in the HDF-EOS format, and are distributed on CD-ROM, DVD, DLT, 8-mm tape, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
VMAP0 Based on DCW 1:
Mars datasets Themis IR DEM