E-learning in Tandems Dr. Eric M. Brewster September 26, 2001
E-learning in Tandem Concepts Project Idea Course Design Resources Applications Feedback Discussion SKILLSCONTENTLANGUAGE Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
VOLL Multiskilling Networking Knowledge Concepts Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
VOLL- The Synergy
"The acquisition of knowledge is a dynamic and interactive process in which the learner seeks, discovers and applies learning in real world, problem-solving situations." "The acquisition of knowledge is a dynamic and interactive process in which the learner seeks, discovers and applies learning in real world, problem-solving situations." Principle 1 Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
Principle 2 “ The goal of teaching is to enable learning to take place.” “ The goal of teaching is to enable learning to take place.” Dr. Eric M. Brewster Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
Principle 3 "Self-access by definition is an individual path to knowledge and discovery of one’s own limitations and the chance to break through individual barriers." "Self-access by definition is an individual path to knowledge and discovery of one’s own limitations and the chance to break through individual barriers." Dr. Eric M. Brewster Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
E-learning in Tandems Concepts Project Idea Course Design Resources Applications Results Discussion SKILLSCONTENTLANGUAGE Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
The Project Goal Links ITVOLL SAL Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
Project Work: The Challenge Use social skills Use IT skills Use language skills Use knowledge Work at a distance; work in a team; SDL Work across “cultures” Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
E-learning in Tandems Concepts Project Idea Course Design Resources Applications Results Discussion SKILLSCONTENTLANGUAGE Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
Project Interaction skills content language Dr. Eric M. Brewster SLZB F-COM EAG-TL Instructor SLU-EMBA JKU SDL teams S C L
E-learning in Tandems Concepts Project Idea Course Design Resources Applications Feedback Discussion SKILLSCONTENTLANGUAGE Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L
On-line Resources Virtual Classroom at SLU Please enter using guest access
Seminar Homepage linz.ac.at/English/Brewster/Multiskilling/index.htm
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E-learning in Tandems Feedback Discussion S C L Dr. Eric M. Brewster
Discussion n CBT promotes communicative capabilities, key skills, and content understanding. n IT demands a redefinition of roles for learners and teachers. n Self-directed learning is the goal; the path, however, is free to choose. Dr. Eric M. Brewster Dr. Eric M. Brewster S C L