Joint TUI/ASTI Seminar with NCCA Junior Cycle Network Schools Saturday 29 th September, Dublin
Junior Cycle : Proposed New Framework SUBJECTS All Subjects Retained (Core – Irish, English, Maths Options –Selected by school) 240 hrs / 200 hrs Syllabi Developed by NCCA Qualification: Terminal Exam (60%) Externally set/examined School Based Work (40%) Internal + External Moderation SHORT COURSES Schools Select Options 100 hrs 6 Developed by NCCA Others Locally Designed Qualification: School Based Work (100%) Internal Moderation PLUs 5 Priority Learning Units (Special Needs) 250 hours Developed by NCCA Qualification: School Based Work (100%) Internal + External Moderation.
Junior Cycle : Proposed New Framework SubjectsShort coursesPLUs Address 24 Statements of Learning Incorporate Key Skills, Literacy and Numeracy Promote Integrated Learning National Qualification Level 3 (SEC) Cap of 8 Subjects or 7 Subjects + 2 Short Courses or 6 subjects + 4 Short Courses National Qualification Level 2 5 Priority Learning Units + 2 Short Courses
Junior Cycle Proposals Represent: Radical shift in student experience and opportunities Significant change to work practices and teacher responsibility Possibilities and risks (curriculum options, elearning, eportfolios, workload, standards, administration, equity) which lead to: Competing and complementary issues and interests
NCCA Network Activity Schools as exploratory hubs Design, test, troubleshoot, inform …. Examine possible approaches to change Identify practical issues/concerns/solutions Provide clarification and evidence Inform further discussion and development
Union Perspectives and Concerns Teacher Workload – could escalate inordinately Resources – current restructuring, additional? Course Development (time, standards, validation…) Assessment (standards, teacher involvement and expertise, time allocation, standards, monitoring…..) Professional Development and Support (access, time, quality) Planning Capacity and Time
Union Perspectives and Concerns Timetabling capacity (to support curriculum options, assessment activity) Contracted Curriculum, Specialisms, Centres of Excellence, Inter-school Competiveness Truncated Opportunities for Students Support Progression to Senior Cycle Standard, Monitoring, Evaluation, Public Perception Equity and Access
Teacher Unions Recognise evolutionary nature of curriculum See context for and timing of change as very important Believe resources for effective implementation are a big challenge Need system wide critique on possibilities/ pitfalls Are open to network activity and experience shaping perspective Support frank and respectful relationship with Network Schools
TUI & ASTI Contact Details TUI – Bernie Judge, Education and Research Officer phone: 01 - ASTI – Moira Leydon, Assistant General Secretary phone: 01 –