Highlights of New Hampshire History At the New Hampshire Historical Society Museum
3 Our museum welcomes teachers and learners of all ages! Our programs generally serve more than 20,000 people each year.
4 Enjoy this preview of what you may see during your visit.
5 Come to us with your questions and ideas about the history of our state. (With permission: City of Montreal, Records Management and Archives)
6 View a few of our intriguing objects and images.
7 Consider what artifacts can tell us … …about the people who used them.
8 Art, too, can teach us about our past. What does this painting show, for example?
9 Here are a few other objects and images you may see during your visit.
10 A Sketch of Pre-Contact Native American Life Study the sketch carefully! Is the life depicted truly “pre-contact”?
11 A Re-Created Corner of George Jaffrey’s Parlor What was life like for this wealthy Portsmouth merchant family?
12 New Hampshire in the Revolutionary War See artifacts from the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Battle of Bennington!
13 The “Truck” of the 1700s and Early 1800s An Oxcart
14 The Vehicle That Opened the West A Concord Coach
15 New Hampshire in the Civil War
16 New Hampshire Inventiveness Patents and Prototypes
17 The Willey House in Crawford Notch A Thomas Hill Painting
18 Our Stairwell to the Upper Gallery A “Mountain Hike”
19 A General Store Goods & Prices, circa 1905
20 The Museum Store Where you may shop… Goods & Prices, circa… today!
21 We’ll see you soon!
22 Images and Objects from New Hampshire through Many Eyes An Exhibit at The New Hampshire Historical Society Museum 6 Eagle Square, Concord, NH (Background photograph by Linda Wilson) © 2008 Christopher MacLeod for the New Hampshire Historical SocietyChristopher MacLeod