Dear Parents, It’s been utmost honour to be working hand-in-hand with you. I would like to thank all of your understanding, support and cooperation. In Term 2, we welcome a new teacher – Teacher Julee (Form Teacher of PG). Under her care and guidance. We have indeed see great progress in the children. Apart from this, all children worked hard to prepare their gifts for both daddy and mummy. They wanted to present their best gifts to the two most important people in their lives. This is what each child wants to say “Thank you daddy and mummy! I love you forever!” Besides, the children also begin practising on obstacle races, so that they can do their best during Agape YOG Camp and Family Day. Don’t you think they deserve a big pat and encouragement from us? *Well Done, Children!* Term 3 is coming. Children will be preparing another big event. Yes, it’s National Day. Singapore is turning 45 on 9 August. Let us come together and sing praises of Singapore during our National Day Celebration. Let us continue to work together to maximize the greatest potential in each of the children. Miss Ho Yin Yin
N1 loves you all day long! Children getting together to do their lovely crafts for Mother’s Day. Mummy, you’re the best! 妈妈, 我爱你!
In Term 2, they learnt about the story about “Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They made bear puppets, Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby bear headgears, identified different parts of the Bear’s house, and the forest paintings. They role played the story using the headgears that they made and the scenario of the house in the forest. “Look at my bear puppet! Is it nice?” asked Wei Ling “ We coloured the house of the bears”. “I made a Goldilocks headgear and I want to act as Goldilocks” said Xin Hui “ We are the little artist painting the forest,”.
I am going to make a shepherd boy. I am copying the facts about the Youth Olympic Game. We are proud embasadors of YOG. In Term 2, we had more fun and excitement in our exploration of learning more new things. We have learnt to copy from whiteboard, to do observations and recording. In conjunction with Mother’s Day, we had written a short poem and made sandwiches for our beloved mummy. I am pouring the ½ of water onto the Yakult bottle. I am making sandwich for mummy. 看我们团结一致的 制作飞禽动物。 学习故事的同时,我们也制作 了十二生肖的脑中,让我们认 识时间和相邻数。我们也知道 自己和家人的属相了。
K2 We Are No Longer A Dilly Dally! Happy Mother’s Day! You are my sunshine! Name the game: To play this game, all you need is some friends, music and chairs… 我们把最美丽的花献给我们最亲爱的妈妈。
Agape Closure Days Date 6 Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep 2010 Occasion Teacher’s Planning Day Agape Founder’s Day National Day Teacher’s Day Hari Raya Puasa Upcoming Event Date 30 Sep 2010 Occasion Pajamas Party See you in Term 3!