Romanticism Eileen Smith
A focus on the self and individual Captain Charles Stewart, by Thomas Sully Many American artists during the 1800s painted portraits focusing on one person only. This painting is an example of that.
A yearning for the picturesque and exotic Thomas Cole, Voyage of Life-Youth
A profound love of nature David Fragonard dy/images/fragonard_s wing_l.jpg
The National Anthem - A sense of nationalism or pride in one’s country. Francis Scott Key, written 1814
19th Century Architecture g/avp/cas/fnart/fa267/18 th/macphaedris.jpg MacPhaedris - Warner House, Portsmouth NH A fascination with the supernatural, the mysterious and the gothic.
19th Century Garden This painting shows a standard 19th century flowering garden. The idea of flowerbeds was relatively unexplored until this time. ses/rschwart/hist255- s01/pleasure/ ghttp:// ses/rschwart/hist255- s01/pleasure/ g Parterres de fleurs des jardins Wilton, E. Adveno Brook, 1857
A strong sense of nationalism or pride in one’s country