Welcome to R.H.L.S. Back to School Night September 17, 2009
Middle School Academic Program Teacher Introductions School-Home Communication Classroom Management Grading Fall IOWA Testing Class Trips Block Scheduling Curriculum Academic Subjects Specialty Subjects
School-Home Communication website: Conferences- October 29 th and 30 th website: Conferences- October 29 th and 30 th Phone: Agenda RenWeb Newsletter Agenda RenWeb Newsletter
A-OK Awards Christian Character Awards Principal’s Kids Class Spirit Points A-OK Awards Christian Character Awards Principal’s Kids Class Spirit Points Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement No Public Humiliation Positive Reinforcement No Public Humiliation Eagle Dollars Now accepting Auction Donations Eagle Dollars Now accepting Auction Donations
Middle School Behavior God expects Christian to live by a higher standard. This means that God wants us to be examples of Christ rather than living by the world's standards. It is a privilege to attend Red Hill Lutheran School and students need to understand that continued enrollment eligibility is dependant upon the ability to uphold the school’s behavior expectations, on and off campus.
Therefore, students are asked to stand up for what is right and uphold the Christian character expectations of this school by: Refusing to support and discouraging those who are not upholding our Christian standards. Reporting teasing and other inappropriate behavior to a teacher or an administrator. Refusing to support or participate in retaliation on those who have reported offenses. Reflecting Christ’s character in all that I think, say, and do.
Homework 10 % Tests/ Projects 50% Quizzes/ Projects/ Labs 40% Late/ Missing/ Make-up Work
Fall IOWA Testing Week of October 12 th -16 th Provides information for teachers to plan and differentiate instruction Plan on attending school on time, every day, rested and well-fed.
Class Trips
Field Trips 6 th: Play 7 th and 8 th : Orange Lutheran Visitation Day- 10/23 Play Museum of Tolerance- 1/28 8 th Crean Lutheran Visitation Day- 10/9
Middle School Service Hours 5 Hours per year/15 hours in 3 years Many opportunities Western BBQ, Carnival Assisting Teachers Assisting the Office Other Service Opportunities Recorded on a form and on RenWeb
Block Schedule SEPTEMBER ‘08 Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri
Integrated with Biblical Principles Integrated with Biblical Principles Aligned with California State Standards Aligned with California State Standards Differentiated to Meet the Students’ Individual Needs Differentiated to Meet the Students’ Individual Needs
History Mrs. Sampson History is who we are and why we are the way we are. ~David McCullough
History has a purpose, an end in view, designed by God. Colossians 1:16-18 The Supremacy of Christ For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
Year Overview- 6 th Grade - Ancient History Beginning of Civilization to the Roman Empire Trimester 1 –Unit 1:Early Humans and Societies Early Man Story and Poster Project –Unit 2: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush Mesopotamia Brochure Project Ancient Egypt 3-D Project Trimester 2 –Unit 3: Civilization in India and China China Folder Project –Unit 4: Foundations of Western Ideas Ancient Greece Pocket Book Project Trimester 3 –Unit 5: The Roman World Roman Empire Technology Project –Unit 6: Endings and Beginnings History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity. ~Cicero History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity. ~Cicero
Year Overview: 7 th & 8 th Grade World History: Medieval to Modern Times The Fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and the Age of Reason Trimester 1 –Unit 1: Connecting With the Past – Fall of Rome & Byzantine Empire Byzantine News Project –Unit 2: The Islamic World Islam – Christianity Comparison Project Trimester 2 –Unit 3: West African Civilizations Africa Folder Project –Unit 5: Medieval Europe Medieval Life 3-D Project Trimester 3 –Unit 6: Renewal in Europe Person of the Age Magazine Project –Unit 4: Asian Civilizations Asian Civilization Topic Project –Unit 7: Civilizations in the Americas Student Group Presentations
History Interactive Notebooks Purpose of an Interactive History Notebook – Organized materials and notes –Personal study tool – organized information for tests –Personal ownership of work suited to student learning styles –Students will have the opportunity to use higher order thinking skills, to apply, analyze and integrate information.
Homework Notebook Evaluation –Notebooks are collected at the end of units or chapters –Content, Quality, and Completeness – 50 points –Visual Appearance and Organization – 40 points –Challenge Work – Extra Effort – 10 points –Total = 100 Homework points Daily Homework –Textbook/Notebook Assignments – Reading, section questions, notes, worksheets –Project Assignments – Work in progress checks –Grade taken on due date –Grade based on completeness and work is corrected in class
Tests & Quizzes Quiz Grades –Small Projects –In-class Projects –Multiple Choice Textbook Section Quizzes Test Grades –Chapter Tests –Large Projects History is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong. Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity. ~James A. Forude
Math 6 th Grade MathMrs. Wilson Pre-AlgebraMrs. Tarkoff, Miss Jordan Algebra 1AMr. Belgen Algebra 1Mrs. Sampson
Holt Math Curriculum
Online Resources Resources for parents, students, and teachers
Students learn that math is ordered, logical, and predictable because God’s order, logic and predictability is established in creation. Mathematics is the language God used to create His universe Understanding math gives us insight into the nature and character of God Mathematical concepts are linked to God’s created world
Middle School Math and Higher Order Thinking As a science of abstract objects, mathematics relies on logic rather than on memorization and observation. Students are now moving from concrete to abstract thinking = 5 to 2a + 3b = x They will move beyond memorizing facts and processes. Involves: Analyzing Seeing complex patterns Applying known processes to new situations Learning a new language
Concepts Covered in Introduction to Algebra Key Concepts of Introduction to Algebra – Using variables Solving complex equations Understand and use factoring and properties of exponents. Compute the surface area and volume of basic three- dimensional objects. Know and use fractions, decimals, and percents and are proficient at changing from one to another. Use ratio and proportion, compute percents of increase and decrease, and compute simple and compound interest. They graph linear functions and understand the idea of slope and its relation to ratio.
Concepts Covered in Algebra Key Concepts of Algebra are Symbolic reasoning and calculations with symbols Applying all the mathematical rules and properties to monomial and polynomial expressions Working with functions Recognizing mathematical patterns and aspects of a logical argument
Homework Homework Grade – Includes: Homework assignments – checked daily, Assignment Sheet collected at the end of the week Notes/Warm-ups – collected at the end of the chapter Math homework should take about 20 to 30 minutes/night. Homework is a tool for students to practice concepts; learn independent thinking and self-evaluation. Students should have minimal parent help. Parents should not correct homework! Homework is graded on completeness, not correct answers.
Quizzes, Tests, Etc. There will be a quiz or test every week Quiz grade includes – One or more textbook quizzes per chapter Projects Tests – One per chapter Test corrections are allowed and can raise the test grade a maximum of 5% One retake per trimester Math Path to High School and College The middle school students’ minds are still maturing! Be patient! They are a (God’s) work in progress.
Success in Higher Math Advice for students (and parents) Be there – absences can really hurt Be interested Listen and take notes Correct your own work – want to know what you did wrong Ask questions when you don’t understand Make an appointment with the teacher if necessary
Psalm 145:5 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
Science is the study of God’s work in all of Creation. Students develop an understanding and appreciation for it by studying the divine order of Creation and how God has devised a perfect plan in His universe. Creation is a reflection of the glory of God, and through scientific inquiry and exploration, students will get to know Him through the beauty and grandeur of His works.
6 th 7 th 8 th Science Focus Investigation & Experimentation Class work, Activities-Standards Warm-up Homework-Notes, Worksheet, or Lab Attempting to complete all projects in class!!!!! Process Inquiry: Observing Science Vocabulary- Inferring Academic Language Predicting Reading for Meaning Classifying Science Note Taking Books Make a Model Zone Labs Conclusion
Standards-6 Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Shaping Earth’s Surface Heat (Thermal Energy) Energy in the Earth Systems Ecology Resources Investigation and Experimentation
Textbook/Content Grade 6
Standards-7 Cell Biology Genetics Evolution Earth and Life History Structure and Function in Living Organisms Physical Principles in Living Systems Investigation and Experimentation
Textbook/Content Grade 7
Standards-8 Motion Forces Structure of Matter Earth in the Solar System Reactions Chemistry of Living Systems Periodic Table Density and Buoyancy Investigation and Experimentation
Textbook/Content Grade 8
Language Arts Mrs. Wilson- 6 th Grade Mrs. Tarkoff- 7 th and 8 th Grade
Psalm 119:105
God is the Great Communicator The Language Arts are based on the truth that God is the Great Communicator. He has presented us with the gift of communication so we can hear, listen, speak, read, and write. God wants us to communicate with Him and with each other so the proper use of the Language Arts is a reflection of our appreciation for His gift. This gift of language provides us with a way of understanding His Word and communicating with others, gaining knowledge, and using creativity as a way of expression.
Listening Reading Writing Conventions Speaking Domains
Course Content Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Literature Anthology Class Novels Response to Literature Silent Reading Read-a-Million Literature Circles Writer’s Notebook Modes of Writing Writing Workshops Grammar Spelling Vocabulary Traits Integrated throughout the year Book Sharing Poetry Recitations Persuasive & Informative Presentations Other classes… Red Hill Writing Handbook Available at
Grade 6 Novels are on supply list- To be purchased
Writing Portfolio Project Assignment Description NarrativesPlot, setting, point of view, sensory details, concrete language, character, dialogue, suspense. Expository Compositions Description Expository Compositions Explanation Expository Compositions Compare and Contrast Expository Compositions Problem/Solution Research ReportsSupport main idea with multiple sources, include a bibliography Response to LiteratureDevelop, organize, and interpret. Justify with evidence. Persuasive CompositionsState a clear position, support with evidence, anticipate readers concerns with counterarguments. Red Hill Lutheran School Language Arts Curriculum Writing Assignments: Grade 6
7 th Grade Novels are on supply list- To be purchased
Red Hill Lutheran School Language Arts Curriculum Writing Assignments: Grade 7 Writing Portfolio Project Assignment Description Biography/Autobio graphical Narrative Standard plot line: beginning, conflict, rising action, climax, resolution, point of view, major/minor characters, setting, dialogue, suspense Response to Literature Develop, organize, justify interpretations of a literary work. Research ReportPose questions about a topic, convey clear/accurate perspectives, include evidence from formal research process, document reference sources Persuasive Composition State a clear position, support with evidence, anticipate readers concerns with counterarguments. SummaryInclude main idea using own words/quotations, reflect meaning
8 th Grade Novels are on supply list- To be purchased
Red Hill Lutheran School Language Arts Curriculum Writing Assignments: Grade 8 Writing Portfolio ProjectAssignment Description Biography/Autobiograp hy Relate clear incident with details, reveal significance, employ narrative and descriptive strategies Short Story/NarrativeRelate clear incident with details, reveal significance, employ narrative and descriptive strategies Response to LiteratureDevelop, organize, justify interpretations of a literary work. Research ReportDevelop thesis. Record ideas, concepts, direct quotations, from sources. Paraphrase and summarize. Use a variety of primary and secondary sources. Organize and display information on charts, maps, graphs. Persuasive CompositionInclude a well-defined thesis, support with evidence, differentiate between fact and opinion, anticipate readers concerns with counterarguments. Career DocumentsBusiness Letter Career DocumentsJob Application Career DocumentsMemorandum Technical DocumentsIdentify the sequence of activities needed to design a system, operate a tool, explain by-laws of an organization.
Pastor Seth Britton Mrs. Sara Bridgman Mr. Kevin Piazza
Bible Curriculum “Explore the Bible: The Life of Christ” Seven Major Scriptural Areas: “Getting to Know Who’s Who” “Beginnings to Baptism” “Introducing the Son of God” “Ministry With His Disciples” “Lessons About Life and Death” “The Road to the Cross” “Jesus is Alive Forever and Ever!”
Class Content: Prayer and Introduction of the Daily Theme and Biblical Lesson Study and Discussion of the Biblical Lesson for the Day Exploration of the Biblical Lesson: Geography (Maps, Videos, Pictures), Key Cultural, Historical, and Contextual Issues Relating to the Class Theme/Biblical Lesson Small Group/All-Class Discussion and Questions Student-Life Application: Connecting the Theme/Bible Study to the Student’s Life Personal Assignments/Homework: Family Discussions, Service Opportunities in the Student’s Life, and Life Experiences of the Student Weekly Quiz
Specialty Curriculum Please join the Specialty Teachers in their classrooms for information on the Specialty Curriculum.