Fédération Européenne des Activités du Déchet et de l’Environnement European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services Europäische Föderation der Entsorgungswirtschaft
Political Driving Forces Landfill Directive and waste management plans Potential of CO2-reductions Substitution of primary fuels TITLE
Economic reasons for the use of solid recovered fuels Increasing tendency to use solid recovered fuels increasing globalisation of the cement market more expensive primary fuels CO2-reducing-potential advancing liberalisation of the electricity market
Market and Quantities
Market and Quantities
Renewable share of residual waste (FRG) Mio. t/a 25 renewable share non renewable share 20 15 10 55.2 % Source: Witzen-hausen Institut 61.8 % 5 44.5 % 40.6 % residual MSW bulky waste com. waste sim. MSW res. waste total
Renewable energy potential of residual waste (FRG) PJ/a 250 200 150 100 51.0 % 50 55.4 % 52.3 % 40.0 % Source: Witzen-hausen Institut residual MSW bulky waste com. waste sim. MSW res. waste total renewable share non renewable share
Amount of SBS from residual waste (FRG) Source: Witzen-hausen Institut SBS fossil 39,7% 3,32 Mio.Mg rest 65,3% 34,7% SBS 15,69 Mio. Mg 8,35 Mio. Mg SBS regenerative 60,3% 5,04 Mio.Mg
Energy potential of SBS from residual waste (FRG) Source: Witzen-hausen Institut SBS fossil 53,3% 64,8 PJ rest SBS 39,9% 60,1% 80,7 PJ 121,5 PJ 46,7% SBS renewable 56,7 PJ
CO2-emissions of several fuels
CO2-influence by solid recovered fuels local effect by fuel substitution global effect as sum of local effect, missing of a „second emitter“ renewable share global effect (without discussion of the renewable share): ca. 1 t CO2-reduction / t Solid recovered fuel
Contribution to the global CO2-reduction by Integrated Resource and Waste Management status quo FRG: 1 Mg CO2 / Mg waste optimized combination with increased efficiency of incineration and co-incineration: 1.25 Mg CO2 / Mg waste basis scenario: landfilling according to Landfill Directive Source: GUA, 5 - 2001
Requirements of solid recovered fuels big, homogeneous amounts assured quality in relation to chemical and physical properties long-term availability product- and environmentally neutral use acceptance economy
Requirements on the input of solid recovered fuel production production specific commercial waste source-separated collection quality agreements with proof (controlled quality) product design of the waste producer with respect to utilization high calorific fractions high quality preparation technic (sreening, air classification, ballistik-separation, Fe-, NE-separation)
Quality assurance chain for the production of solid recovered fuels
Results of the Bundesgütegemeinschaft Sekundärbrennstoffe standardisation of the complete process from sampling until analysis precise regulations of internal and external controls extensive catalogue of parameters (all 13 heavy metals of the German 17th BImSchV and Be, Se, Te) ash, Cl, H2O and calorific value have to be documented standardization of the statistical evaluation of the analytical results (median and 4 of 5 rule)
Quality assurance of BGS e.V. Supplier Producer of solid recovered fuel User W Plant Cement plant W Solid recovered fuels W Power plant W OUTPUT - Intervals of independent supervision according to fuel quantities produced - Number of analysis depending on quantities - Analysis for all required parameters - Evaluation of the results and decision by quality commettee INPUT List of waste for production of solid recovered fuels - Description of input - Documentation of quantity - Operational diary Self monitoring Independant supervision + check of operational conditions
Germany: Quality and test instructions of BGS; 2001 RAL-GZ 724-label for Solid Recovered Fuels was given to BGS; Quality and test instructions are put into practice Finnland: SFS 5875 „Solid Recovered Fuel Quality control system“ from March 2000; strong requirements but practically no control Italy: UNI 9903 „Non mineral refuse derived fuels (RDF)“ from 1992; strong requirements, no practical relevance Netherlands: Intensive prenormative activities for european standardisation Norway: Specifikationen especially for solid biofuels Austria: Ö-Norm in preparation; 2002 founding of an association for quality assurance Sweden: There are a number of swedish specifications for biofuels and peat
CEN/TC 343 „Solid recovered fuels“ European Commission gives a mandate for standardisation CEN was given the mandate to develope „Technical Specifications“ in a first step relevant to the use of solid recovered fuels in incineration- and co-incineration plants. CEN was given the mandate to transform these „Technical Specifications“ into „European Standard“ in a second step. These european standards shall be presented as a package.
CEN/TC 343 „Solid recovered fuels“ European Commission gives a mandate for standardisation There standards shall comprise: Standards for determination of the biodegradable fraction res. The biogenic fraction in solid recovered fuels as well as the upper and lower heating value of these fractions All standards, listed in Appendix 1 of CEN-document CEN/BT/TF 118 N35 (Working programme)
Structure of CEN/TC 343 „Solid recovered fuels“ Chairman: Martin Frankenhauser, Fin WG 1 - Terminology and Quality assurance Prof. G. Riva, I WG 2 - Fuel classifications and classes S. Modig, S WG 3 - Sampling and supplementary test methods J. Willart, NL WG 4 - Physical properties J. Maier, D WG 5 - Chemical properties G. Ciceri, I
Reasons for complementarity of incineration and secondary fuels improved economy for incinerators improved economy for cement kilns, power plants etc. increased flexibility of waste management reduced capitel commitment optimal complement of the technical potentials (take out of contaminents - material use) extensive protection of resources (air, soil, energy)