Managing Disruptive Behaviour
Learning objectives To identify examples of disruptive behaviour and their source To discuss how to implement effective classroom management To share strategies for dealing with behavioural issues To consider ideas for the Personal Skills Development presentation
Discussion What is disruptive behaviour? What are the causes?
What are the causes? Immediate environment; classroom, weather Emotional wellbeing – seeking attention, lack of self-esteem Circumstances outside the classroom (home, family, relationships) Boredom – not understanding the work set; work set isn’t challenging enough
Discussion When might you be concerned about a student who is behaving ‘out of character’? What would you do? How does your planning for the session impact on students’ level and ability?
‘War Stories: How Experienced Teachers Said They Responded To Disruptive Students in the Lifelong Learning Sector’ by Merv Lebor (2014) According to this paper, what was considered by the teachers questioned what was deemed ‘disruptive behaviour’? What are the suggested solutions here? Do you have any of your own? Why is it important for the researcher to declare what the limitations of this research might be?
What are your views on this suggestion? “Start early at the first session, take control, be consistent, never threaten what you won’t or can’t accomplish and always follow through with all sanctions and threats. Don’t show weakness! Ground rules, consistency and respect are the key!!”
“Get students to share how they felt about education, school and their difficulties, by spending time with them individually. In session one, get students to write an autobiographical piece about what their school or previous education experience was like, what helped or hindered their learning; how they felt about now being in college and hopes for the future. If they trust you, students tend to be more open about their experiences and you, as a teacher, can gain a lot of insights into their problems and help them with resolving, or at least being aware of, what is happening to these individuals. This can help guide your approach in understanding and supporting individual students.”
Personal Skills Development Presentation For your Personal Skills Development you will choose TWO knowledge/skill areas to work on. For your Personal Skills Presentation, you will focus on ONE of these areas. The aim is to identify topics which relate to the improvement of your teaching, communicate what you learn and reflect on its impact on your teaching and the progress of learners.
What am I assessed on? Clear identification of the area you are focusing on in the presentation What you wanted to achieve in this area and why What you learned about this area – this should be the main focus of the presentation. Refer to key theories and literature that you used or learned about The impact your work in this area has had on your teaching and the progress of your learners
Presentation on ONE of the three areas: 1. Specialist subject knowledge Addressing significant development needs in relation to your own knowledge or skills in your specialist teaching subject. 2. Knowledge and skills related to the Minimum Core Addressing significant development needs in relation to your personal skills in language (including communication skills), literacy (including academic writing skills), numeracy or ICT. If you do not already have level 2 qualifications in literacy and numeracy (for example GCSE Maths and English at grade C or above), then you are strongly advised to achieve this by the end of the course (see Section 7.7 of the Course Handbook). 3. Knowledge and skills in pedagogical or broader educational issues
Broader pedagogical issues Developing Interactive Learning Materials Working in Appraisal Systems E-Learning Mentoring Using Audio-Visual Media in Teaching and Learning Working with Groups Study and Information Skills Management Skills Developing Key Skills Stress Management Promoting Inclusive Learning Assertiveness Dyslexia Awareness Counselling Teaching and Learning in 14-19 Education Developing skills in teaching English as a second language Giving Tutorial Guidance Citizenship Sustainability and Sustainable Development in Education Global Citizenship
Personal Skills Development Presentation Discuss ideas for your presentation Record your thoughts