Look,Listen and Learn Project Regional Conference November 2005 Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg By Fred Kalibwani SADC FOOD SECURITY POLICY PROCESSES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGAGEMENT WITH CSOs
SADC Restructuring 4 Directorates Directorate of Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment Directorate of Infrastructure and Services Directorate of Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Directorate of Social and Human Development
Main Strategy Document The main SADC strategy document is the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) It provides the SADC regional strategic direction over the next 15 years It based on the SADC’s long term Goals It main objective is to deepen the integration agenda
The SADC FANR POLICY PROCESSES 1.The Regional Food Reserve Facility 2.The SADC Agricultural Information Systems (AIMS) 3.The SADC Food Security Capacity Building Programme 4.The Agricultural Water Management for Food Security Programme 5.The Regional Land Reform Facility 6.Promoting Trade and Harmonisation of Food Safety Standards 7.The SADC Committee for Biotechnology and Biosafety 8.The SADC Biofuels Project 9.Statistical Crop Forecasting Methodology Programme 10.SADC Plant Protection Action Plan
Some Specialized Programmes SADC Seed Security Programme SADC Regional Remote Sensing Unit SADC FANR Institutional Strengthening Programme SADC FANR Multi-Country Productivity Programme (MAPP) The Yield Gap Study
The Regional Food Reserve Facility A Regional Strategic Food Reserve for Prevention and Preparedness to deal with natural disasters Been discussed since the 1980s Earlier proposal was a maize reserve with enough stock to last 12 moths August 2001 – both Physical and Finance Reserve proposed The Food Reserve is part of The SADC Disaster Preparedness Strategy 1.Early Warning Systems 2. Vulnerability Monitoring Systems 3. The Regional Reserve Facility
The Regional Food Reserve Facility Optimal Level Stocks Operational Rules for Stocking and de-stocking Strategies for Financing the facility
SADC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Incorporates and links all existing information systems within FANR into one info management system FANR has several information systems originating from the former sector coordination unit 1.The Regional Early Warning Systems 2. The Remote Sensing Project 3.The Data Management and Analytical Project 4. SADC Animal Disease Surveillance Programme Integrated Crop Management And Surveillance Programme Regional Vulnerability Analytical Information Systems Regional Information Management Programme for Agricultural Research and Training Regional Fisheries Info System Forestry Info Management System The proposal is not one huge centralized database system But rather a LINKED system – that can also be accessed by others
Food Security Capacity Building Programme The Food Security Training Programme has been in existence since 1996 Aimed at strengthening the capacity of orgs in public, private and voluntary sectors Working through 20 Regional Institutions. 65 courses developed people trained 9 Priority Training Areas Policy Analysis, Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation for Policy Harmonisation Trade facilitation and promotion Agri-business and Agro-processing Community Based Natural Resource Management Agricultural Information Systems Development and Communications Management HIV and AIDS, and Gender Mainstreaming in FANR Agriculture and Natural Resource Education and Training Research and extension Regional Programme Coordination
Agricultural Water Management for Food Security Prog To Appropriately and Sustainably existing Regional Water Resources Three main elements: Regional level activities; Support for Low Income Food Deficit Countries (LIFDC) Support for Middle Income Countries (MIC) REGIONAL 1. Policy Institutional Reform Support for LIFDCs and Regional Orgs 2. Institutional Support for SADC 3. Capacity Building and Human resource Development 4. Technical Assistance to SADC countries (planning & utilisation of Shared water) SUPPORT TO LIFDCs 1. Investment in Integrated Water Management (small scale low-cost irrigation) 2. Strengthening national Capacity in planning And implementing efficient and sustainable Water management systems SUPPORT TO MICS 1. Improved management of sustainable irrigation and Agriculture water management systems in an IWRM system 2. Promoting PPP in new and Rehabilitated schemes
REGIONAL LAND REFORM FACILITY 1. Mobilise expertise (from the region) and financial resources from donors, and pool them to assist SADC countries to review, formulate and reform their national land and agrarian policies 2. Capacity Building for governments and Civil Society Organisations on land issues 3. Information generation and analysis through collaborative initiatives It will not establish a regional land reform policy
Promoting Agricultural Trade, Harmonising Food Safety And Standards SADC conducted an SPS study – there in need for harmonizing food standards and regulations in line with FAO’s Codex Alimentarius Improvement of Laboratories and equipment for food analysis, inspection and quality assurance There is need for mutual recognition of food control procedures and certification There is need for strengthening existing information systems
SADC ADVISORY COMMITTEE on Biotechnology and Biosafety Launched in April 2003 – eminent scientists from various disciplines Interacts with SADC ministers of Agriculture via FANR directorate and National Biotechnology focal points Advising all member states on all matters of Biotechnology and Bio-safety Preparing draft regional policy and strategy Advise member states on institutional arrangements for the management of Biotechnology and Bio-safety
SADC Biofuels Project Promote the concept of “farming for energy” Organize national and regional awareness workshops Produce promotional materials Facilitate information sharing Assist member states in drafting Biofuel policies
Statistical Crop Forecasting Methodology Programme Collect and analyze agricultural production data for accurate national and regional food security assessment Statistics collected with similar basic methods Developing a statistical method of data collection which incorporates GIS supplemented by ground surveys
Plant Protection Action Plan Overview of the phytosanitary regulation in SADC countries Action plan on trade related Phytosanitary issues Action plan on integrated production and pest management A plan of action for communication, information exchange, policy harmonization and capacity building