Did you know? A few SAM Tips This presentation will review some of the tips and tricks that might enhance your SAM experience.
Access to the User Guide 1 You can click on the Help Menu and select “User Guide” to open the User Guide.
Access to the User Guide 2 Once the User Guide is open you can click on any title in the table of contents to go directly to that page.
Access to the User Guide 3 Or you can choose the menu option File | Find to locate any user guide information based on key words.
You can always find our contact information Select menu option Help | About
Date Fields –“T” or “t”: Move to today’s date in the calendar –“Enter”: Accept current date and exit calendar –“Esc”: Return to original date and exit calendar –Click on left arrow to move back one month –Click on right arrow to move ahead one month –Click on month to select a month –Click on year, then click on down arrow to go back one year –Click on year, then click on up arrow to forward one year –Click on today to go to today’s date
You can login as a different user, or change offices without having to logout of SAM Select menu option Login | Select Office & User
You can see what User Name you are logged into (Release 1.1.6) Displayed is SAM > Office : User Name
You can find out who is logged into SAM Select menu option Maintenance | Check Login Count.
Report Options You can define a title specifically for the report you are about to generate but entering it on the report options screen in the User Title field. You can also direct the report output using this screen to any of the following: Excel DBF file (such as Microsoft Access) Comma Delimited ASCII file
You can avoid using the mouse Many fields or buttons in SAM show “mnemonics” which are hot keys to place focus on the field or click the button. Press the “Alt” key + the underlined character. Alt P Alt O Alt E
You can avoid using the mouse Many buttons will show a tool-tip if you “hover” on the button. Included in the () is the hot key for this button. Find (Ctrl-F) Ctrl F
Other Keyboard Tricks Tab Key Tab navigates forward trough controls on the screen without making changes. If you use the {enter} key it could change the selection on any radio buttons. Shift+Tab navigates backward through the controls. SpaceBar When on selection group control (radio buttons like sex on the client screen), SpaceBar selects the option with focus. When on a check box control, SpaceBar key toggles the value of the checkbox. When on a drop-down control, SpaceBar displays the drop-down list.
Other Keyboard Tricks (cont.) F2 Pressing F2 (or right click) when focus is on a “Comment” field, expands the comment window. Print Screen Ctrl+Shift+P, captures image of current window and gives you the option of what printer to send it to.
Other Keyboard Tricks (cont.) Right Click (Your other Right!) Right Click on a date field displays the calendar control. Right Click or (F2) on a “Comment” field expands the comment window. Right Click on visit displays the menu options. Right Click on Black Comment Bar on Schedule expands the comment window. Calculator Controls Without opening the calculator control, you may type arithmetic expressions such as: –10+5 [enter] to fill in the field with 15 –13*.21 [enter] to fill in the field with 2.73
Physician UPINs Physician UPINs are required on Plans of Care (POC) and claims. A physician database is created in Care Manager. Each physician added to the database must have a unique UPIN in SAM. The information below describes how UPINs should be entered in SAM. A physician UPIN in SAM may be up to 12 characters. A standard UPIN begins with an alpha letter and is followed by 5 numeric digits. If the UPIN is standard, it shows as is on POCs and claims. If a UPIN has less than 3 characters, the claim will show OTH000
Physician UPINs (continued) If the UPIN is at least 3 characters and is prefixed with one of the following prefixes: –INT the claim will show INT000. Prefix is used for INTERNS without standard UPINs. –PHS the claim will show PHS000. Prefix is used for Public Health Service physicians. –RET the claim will show RET000. Prefix is used for RETIRED physicians. –RES the claim will show RES000. Prefix is used for RESIDENT physicians. –VAD the claim will show VAD000. Prefix is used for Veteran’s Administration physicians. –OTH the claim will show OTH000. Other physicians without standard UPINs. –Any other non-standard UPIN will show as OTH000. Note 1: SAM allows you to add UPINs up to 12 characters long, but will only show the first six characters on claims and Plans of Care (POC). This allows you to add UPINs such as A12345A and A12345B for physicians who may have more than one office with different addresses, etc. Only A12345, shows on claims and POCs. Note 2: For a physician who does not have a UPIN, OTH000 is typically used. However, since each physician in SAM must be unique, we recommend using the prefix OTH followed by a unique name for the physician, such as OTHSMITHJOHN. As noted in the list above, SAM will convert this to OTH000 on claims and POCs.
You can select non contiguous items in a list Click on the 1st item, then holding down your “Ctrl” key, click on the 2 nd, 3 rd,4 th, etc. To select contiguous items, click on the 1 st item, then holding down your “Shift” key, click on the last item.
You can double-click on visits Double click on a visit from the Client view and information for the Employee is displayed.
You can double-click on visits Double click on a visit from the Employee view and information for the Client is displayed.
You can quickly get to a client or employee name While a client or employee name is highlighted, quickly type in the first few letter of the name you are searching for.
How to get the Transmit button enabled You must select a Payer!
You can create a claim for a invoice Select the invoice(s) and click the Create Claim button.
To Improve Performance In save disk space and improve performance you can clean up your temporary files folders: Note: You should close all running programs before deleting any temporary files! Delete files in the folder c:\program files\riversoft\sam20\temp. Delete files in the folder c:\windows\temp (or equivalent of the windows folder.)
There are presentations… Tutorials available for download from our website at on the support page: 1.Compliance Checking – explains in detail how to use compliance checking in SAM. 2.SAM and Medicare PPS – explains in detail how to do Medicare PPS billing in SAM. 3.SAM AR – is a overview of SAM’s Billing Manager. 4.SAM Payroll – is an overview of doing payroll in SAM. 5.SAM Tips and Tricks – this presentation.