Lisa Bailey Dr. Linda Buerck
What’s working, what’s not working? T chart T chart How to be an Effective Classroom Manager 1 st day/week is crucial! Classroom Management Plan Room Arrangement Rules/Consequences Procedures Expectations Discipline Plan
What were you hired to do? Brainstorm and list Homework Visit at least one classroom Observation Form
Discussion with Building Principals New Strategies Ah Ha’s Goals Expectations
Homework Discussion How can I be an Effective Teacher?Effective Teacher Professionalism-BOE Policy 4630BOE Policy 4630 Research-Based Practices Four Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom Four Characteristics
Reflect on Classroom Management Plan Continue to review and model Revise as necessary Wagon Wheel-Cooperative Learning Activity One Positive Revise a negative to be a positive My goal(s) until next meeting Schedule a Class Visit Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 10, 3:30-5:00 pm, PD Lab
Positive vs. Negative Expectations Examples Results Expectations vs. Standards Increase Positive Student Behaviors Research Parents Teachers
Helping Disruptive and Unresponsive Students Review important points of Discipline Plan Proactive not reactive Additional Resources
What expectations will you focus on this quarter? Pick at least one student to focus on that is disruptive or unresponsive.
Reflect on Classroom Management Plan Managing Student Learning and Achievement Increase student achievement Improving assignments, homework, test results Student engagement