1 The Regents Reform Agenda Agenda Implications for Students with Disabilities Dr. Rebecca Cort Associate Commissioner for Special Education Office of.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Regents Reform Agenda Agenda Implications for Students with Disabilities Dr. Rebecca Cort Associate Commissioner for Special Education Office of P-12 Education June 2011

2 College and Career Ready Students Highly Effective School Leaders Highly Effective Teachers The Regents Reform Agenda Investing in human capital, supporting with critical tools internationally-benchmarked standards and assessments  Adopting internationally-benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace instructional data systems  Building instructional data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practice effective teachers and principals  Recruiting, developing, retaining, and rewarding effective teachers and principals  Turning around the lowest-achieving schools

Diploma Considerations How do we ensure that students complete high school and are prepared for success in college and the workplace?

44 Recommendations: Allow students choice in one or more Regents exams Allow students to earn credits through demonstration of competency rather than seat time Increase the maximum number of credits earned through integrated/specialized CTE programs/courses Allow flexibility in middle school opportunities As resources allow, expand the Regents assessment program Increase Flexibility

55 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Allow Students Choice in Required Regents Exams Option: Multiple paths to graduation with a Regents diploma ELA, Math + any 3*, or ELA, Math + 2 Science + 1 other*, or ELA, Math + 2 History + 1 other*, or ELA, Math + 1 History + 1 Science + 1 other* Benefits: Additional courses in a field of interest can fulfill additional diploma endorsements Better student engagement should increase likelihood for graduation Recognition of student skill achievement and the opportunity to use multiple measures of student growth Challenges: Greater flexibility means students may be able to graduate by demonstrating proficiency in key areas through Regents exams * including a CTE assessment

66 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Earn Credit Through Demonstration of Competency Option: Students earn credit through competency-based activities in lieu of seat time requirements Currently: Students must complete units of study equivalent to 180 minutes of instruction per week (seat time) in order to earn units of credit for high school graduation Benefits: Students progress at own pace through a course utilizing online/blended/alternative course models Students can more deeply engage a subject area and potentially receive course credit for related outside activities Values demonstration of knowledge and skill acquisition, not just the amount of time spent in a classroom Challenges: Lack of district experience scheduling, capacity, and staffing in a competency-based model Providing support for lower-achieving students in a less structured setting

77 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Increase Flexibility for CTE Programs Option: Beginning in , increase the availability of CTE integrated courses from 4 to 10, including all ELA, Math, and Science Currently: Only four academic credits can be earned through approved integrated CTE programs Benefits: Allows students the opportunity to pursue an interest-based education Increases opportunities to learn by application Earlier access to CTE program (9th grade) may increase engagement and high school completion Challenges: Equity and access of all options to all students Limited number of approved CTE programs Establishing a common level of rigor across all CTE programs Increase the maximum number of credits that students can earn through integrated CTE programs and specialized CTE courses

88 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Expand the Regents Assessment Program Option A: Add a Regents exam in Economics in (available for Class of 2014) Option B: Add Regents exams in the Arts (Dance, Theater, Music, Visual Arts) in (available for Class of 2014) Option C: Add a Regents exam in Technology in (available for Class of 2015) Benefits: Expanded opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency in fields beyond the core academic subjects Challenges: Cost Appropriately certified teachers.

99 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Rethink the “Safety Net” for Students with Disabilities Options: Given the phase out of the RCT safety net, which sunsets for the 2011 grade 9 cohort, continue the pass score option to earn a local diploma; or propose a specified period of time for the pass score option to be in effect Allow students with disabilities to obtain a local diploma based on a composite Regents test score, e.g., an average score calculated across Regents tests taken, even if this diploma would not count towards graduation rate for accountability purposes Benefits: Coursework for students will be more aligned with the State assessments needed to reach the graduation standards Challenges: Training for Committees on Special Education and Guidance Counselors on course credit flexibility options Ensuring that students with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in courses and pathways available to all students that would lead to a Regents diploma

10 Policy Directions for Consideration Policy Directions for Consideration Continue Development of a Career Skills Credential Options: Phase I, develop an alternate credential to replace the IEP diploma for students with disabilities who take the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) only Phase II, develop a Career Skills Credential to supplement a regular diploma for all students Benefits: Strengthens existing requirements and policy relating to career planning, transition planning and annual guidance meetings Could motivate students with disabilities to stay in school longer to work toward a regular diploma, knowing that they could also exit with this credential Could enable students’ community- and work-based learning and experience to be valued and documented Challenges: Design and implementation timing Training for teachers and administrators

11 Teacher and Principal Evaluation

12 Teacher and Principal Effectiveness – (1) Transform educator preparation and certification from an emphasis on inputs (course hours, course titles) to an emphasis on content knowledge, clinical skills, and measurable impact on student achievement; (2) Provide highly-effective teachers and principals with career advancement opportunities and incentives to mentor colleagues and transfer to high-need schools; (3) Implement a teacher and principal evaluation system that incorporates student achievement as 40 percent of annual evaluations, informs differentiated professional development, and enables expedited removal of teachers and principals who are rated “ ineffective ” for two consecutive years. Curriculum & Professional Development – Provide every student with a world-class curriculum that synthesizes rigorous content and skills to prepare students for college, the global economy, 21st century citizenship, and lifelong learning. Develop the capacity of the NYSED to coordinate effective professional development and provide expert guidance aligned with rigorous, sequenced curricula and formative assessments. The Regents Reform Agenda Strategic Goals

What else is happening?

14 The Regents legislative mandate relief package will address a variety of areas, including, but not limited to: o Special education requirements o Middle school requirements o Planning and reporting requirements A list of mandates is posted on the NYSED website at: Mandate Relief

15 Previous Special Education Mandate Relief Proposals Space Plan provisions Statute of Limitations July-August Parental Consent Parentally Placed revisions

16 New Special Education Mandate Relief Proposals CSE/CPSE Membership Individual Evaluations Selection of Preschool Evaluators Appointment to State-Supported Schools Public hearings to be scheduled in June.

Proposed Alternate Exiting Certificate For Students with Disabilities Eligible for New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) June 2011

18 Background Concerns regarding individualized education program (IEP) diploma CTE Future Directions Initiative Develop Credential  Documents student achievement of Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) standards  Supplements regular high school diploma for all students  Replaces IEP diploma for some students with disabilities

19 Stakeholder Recommendations Range of skills too broad to address in single credential Credential for students who will be graduating with regular diploma deferred until Regents make further decisions regarding graduation requirements Credential for students with most significant cognitive disabilities should be addressed as separate credential

20 Propose Two Phases Phase I – credential to replace IEP diploma for students participating in NYSAA Phase II – credential available to all other students that documents attainment of CDOS standards including successful completion of work-based learning experiences

21 Phase I: Policy Framework Replaces current IEP diploma Changes name of existing credential ONLY for students with most significant cognitive disabilities eligible to participate in NYSAA Not considered a regular high school diploma

22 Purpose and Benefits Promotes instructional programs that focus on:  Applied learning  CDOS standards  Participation in work-based learning experiences and service programs Provides meaningful documentation for employers and adult service agencies

23 Accompanying Documentation Level I Vocational Assessment; Transition activities as documented in the IEP; Summary of Performance (Student Exit Summary); and As appropriate, Career Plan.

24 Focus of Proposed Documentation Career Development Integrated Learning Universal Foundation Skills  Basic Skills  Thinking Skills  Personal Qualities  Interpersonal Skills  Technology  Managing Information  Managing Resources  Systems

25 Focus of Proposed Documentation Academic achievements including specific skills and strengths Career strengths and interests Participation in work-based learning experiences Other achievements/awards Student’s educational and work readiness experiences and skills including:  Levels of independence  Supports needed

26 Next Steps Recommendations to Board – June If accepted by the Board of Regents:  Public Comment on Draft Proposal  Propose Regulations/Obtain Additional Comment  Training - Spring 2012  Implementation School Year  Evolve Policy for Phase II

27 NCSC Alternate Assessment Consortium New assessment ( ?) based on growth model Curriculum aligned to Common Core connectors and assessments Professional development on curriculum Surveys and Community of Practice