Legacy Charter School Plans for 2014-2015.  High academic/achievement for all children in math and reading  An ever increasing focus on teaching and.


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Presentation transcript:

Legacy Charter School Plans for

 High academic/achievement for all children in math and reading  An ever increasing focus on teaching and learning based on data  Flexibility to stimulate initiatives coupled with responsibility for student performance  Improved connections among all three campuses of the school, the parents, and the communities

Title I is a SUPPLEMENTAL service, so we can’t-  Purchase, lease, rent or improve facilities  Provide routine transportation costs  Enhance science and/or social studies –only math and English/Language Arts (reading)  Purchase school library books

 Parents  Community Members  Teachers and Support Staff  Principals  Guidance Counselors  Instructional Coaches  Parent Coordinators  High School Students  District Personnel

 The initial allocation will be based on the final allocation. That amount is:$1,077,810.  We have seen an increase in funds over the last 4 years because of the growth of our school. The allocation was $570,060. Increase of $507,750.  The allocation is based on the percentage of poverty on the 135 th day of school.  The present percentage is /%

Areas with greatest need of assistance by Title I: Technology equipment (74)(15) Books for independent reading (62)(7) Homework support (68)(4) Saturday school/summer school (34)(1) After school support (33)(4) Leveled books (32)(0) Small group intervention (30)(5)

Parent Involvement (top workshops or activities would like to see implemented at legacy for parents):  Computer classes (54)(13)  GED classes (42)(11)  Nutrition (27)(2)

 What limits you from participation?  Inconvenient times (107)(24)  Transportation (20)(4)  Childcare (18)(0)  What is the best way to communicate with you?  Telephone (163)(31)  Newsletter (80)(7)  (75)(19)  Facebook (10)(0)

 Technology- More IPads Update Smart boards Listening centers Compass or Khan or other program access at home and school Think Central Go Math  Extended Services Rolling book club – expand to lower grades Look at partnership with the Y for the summer  Interventions ESOL support for students Additional assistants

 Materials  Books Leveled texts Testing support Homework support More leveled content books Saxon refills 100 Book challenge- schoolwide book challenge  Professional Development Book club Common core standards informational text Curriculum planning  Parenting Build up ESOL parent support position Homework hotline- online chat- teachers per grade More homework help sessions Weekly parent classes GED classes Go Math parent website 

 Technology Additional computers and IPads More infrastructure Instructional technology support person Palm sized wireless devices or clickers for STEM  Extended Services Summer school Summer school curriculum Increase Saturday school session Continue to streamline after school services by increasing collaboration between the after school coordinator and the classroom teachers  Class size-Individualization 20-25 per class is reasonable in middle and high

 Interventions Math and ELA intervention ESOL teacher Resource Computer lab STEM classes  Materials Texts for all students Supplemental materials Leveled texts Subject-specific materials  Professional Development ELA and math common core training Classroom management training Integration of Science and Social Studies with Math and ELA  Parenting Sessions for using the Parent Portal Parenting Workshops GED classes Literacy classes Homework help

 Technology Teacher professional development Efficient use of technology Upgrades Researched-based best equipment Parent training Invest in filters and firewalls Teaching parents and students the responsibility for equipment  Extended Services Saturday school After school Mandatory after-school if a student falls below 80% Fund more buses for extended day and Saturday school Keep extended year  Class size-Individualization none

 Interventions none  Materials Books Calculators Laptops literature  Professional Development Technology Classroom management Student motivation Cultural development-working with students of poverty Understanding Mental health issues ADD ADHD  Parenting  none

Class Size Reduction –keeping classes smaller for more opportunities to individualize instruction. Elementary- Ratio of teacher to student: 1:30 Title I 1: k Teacher Salary -1st Grade Teacher Salary Middle-Ratio- 1:24 Title I 1:18 2 teachers- 1 ELA and 1 math High- Ratio 1:35 Title I 1:25 2 teachers.5 increased from general fund ELA and math

Elementary-  12 Afterschool Teachers X 2 hours a day X 4 days a week X 33 weeks  14 days of Saturday School X 8 Teachers X 4 hours a day  15 Summer School Teachers X 4 hours a day X 4 days a week X 6 weeks  5 Rolling Book Club Teachers X 6 weeks X 3 hours a day plus books and travel fees  Transportation Bus Fees - fee should be for all 3 schools Middle-  Teachers for Saturday Success  Teachers for Afterschool  Summer School 4.5 hrs. day X 16 days using 7 teachers and 3 assistants High-  Teachers for Mandatory Afterschool below 80%  Teachers for Homework Help  Summer school 5 hrs. day X12 days using 7 teachers

 High- 20 desktop computers for the After-school Learning Lab  Interventionists and assistants to help students at each level- Number requested: 9.5 Elementary- -4 Interventionists X 10 hours a week X 30 weeks -2 1st Grade Teacher Assistant Salaries -1 2nd Grade Teacher Assistant Salary -1 3rd Grade Teacher Assistant Salary -1 4th Grade Teacher Assistant Salary -1.5 ESOL Tutor Salary

Elementary- Classroom Supplies -Math Manipulatives, Think Central and Go Math Resources -Leveled Books, Author Sets, Theme Sets, Informational Text Sets, etc. for Literacy Closet -Books for Classroom Libraries and 100 Book Challenge Program -Promethean Boards -IPad Carts -Listening Center Equipment and Books --4 Interventionists X 10 hours a week X 30 weeks -Compass Renewal Fee -Saxon Renewal Kits Middle-2 computer carts with 20 laptops each- Total 40 computers

Middle- 2 Interventionists- 1 ELA and 1 math Classroom books to support literacy Informational texts Academic planners Supplies such as paper, pencils, copy paper, folders, Specific book TBD to use as curriculum guide for the after school program. High 2 Interventionists- 1ELA and 1math

Common to all three schools-  3 days Data Professional Development with Dr. Howard Coleman

PD= Professional Development Elementary 1.5 Math Instructional Coach -2 days AIMS Math Professional Development -4 days Dr. Lester Laminack Writing PD -5 days Common Core PD -5 days Balanced Literacy PD and Book Clubs -Substitutes for PD Sessions -Teacher Professional Books -15 Teachers Scope and Sequence Assessment Planning

 Parent Coordinator for elementary and middle/high  ESOL Parent Coordinator  -Parent Workshops –Refreshments and Supplies  -Childcare Fees for Parent Meetings  -Parent Books and Materials for Parent Leveled Library  Parent Communication Materials  Parenting Room with Computers, Support materials  Speakers for parent events/workshops

 Surveys have been completed with all stakeholders  Surveys and Data analyzed to develop Comprehensive Needs Assessment as a Planning Team  Developed new Title I Plan based on extensive work as a Planning Team.  Post the DRAFT plan for comments and questions  Share results and proposed plan with all Stakeholders (Staff, Parents, Board)

 Develop the Title I Plan based on the allocation.  Funding is based on the 135 day ADM and March 2014 Free/Reduced Lunch Count and attendance on that day.  Adjustments will be made when the final allocations are released from the GCSD Title I Office.

Questions or comments-