Harry and Rosemary Wong
Who are Harry and Rosemary Wong? Harry Wong Previously taught science at middle school and high school levels. One of Instructor magazine’s top 20 most admired people in education Is now an educational speaker and consultant Rosemary Wong Previously taught grades 1-8 Served as media coordinator and student activity director Numerous awards for contributions to the profession Authors of The First Days Of School. Best- selling education book of all time. The Effective Teacher video series. Award winner for best educational staff development video.
Who are Harry and Rosemary Wong? Main problem in classrooms is not poor discipline, but poor classroom management Responsibilities are key As a teacher, the first day of school determines your success for the rest of the year. First two weeks of school is teaching students to follow classroom procedures. If you do not plan, your students will plan for you.
My Responsibilities as Your Teacher: Students need help to understand your responsibilities and their responsibilities. My Responsibilities as Your Teacher: To treat you with respect and care as an individual To provide you an orderly classroom environment To provide the necessary guidance for success To provide the appropriate motivation To teach you the required content. Your Responsibilities as My Students: To treat me with respect and care as an individual To attend classes regularly To be cooperative and not disruptive To study and do your work well To learn and master the required content
The Wongs’ Principal Suggestions Effective Teachers spend the first two weeks teaching students how to follow the classroom procedures to help them become responsible learners. Ineffective Teachers begin trying to teach a subject, and the rest of the year running after students. School should be challenging, exciting, engrossing, and thought-provoking, but must have structure to ensure success. When students arrive, start class immediately. Shorter assignments produces higher student achievement. Ask questions throughout the lesson; not just at the end.
The First Day of School Classroom ready for instruction and make it inviting. Plan for more than you can get around to. No dead time where students’ involvement is lost. Stand at door and greet students as they enter. Each student gets a seating assignment and a seating chart. Assignment posted so students can begin when they enter the room. Have rules posted (5 max) and go over them in detail. Give rationale to rules while going over them. Provide personalized instruction within a warm, relaxed, refined learning environment.
Procedures and What They Entail 3 step process in establishing good procedures. Decide what routines are necessary in what activities are being conducted. List steps students must follow in order to participate and benefit from the activities Teach students through explanation, demonstration, and practice in how to follow the procedures. Teachers should have a very large number of procedures to follow. Expect students to follow procedures exactly how they are stated. Students accept and appreciate procedures that provide security and minimize confusion.
Examples of Procedures Lunch Procedures End-of-Day Procedures Restroom Procedures Drinking Fountain Procedures Computer Procedures When you have a Substitute Teacher Group Work Etc. Morning Entry Procedures Enter classroom in a quiet and orderly manner. Greet teacher as you enter and say “hi” to your classmates. Turn in homework or keep at desk if it is to be graded in class. Begin on your seat work. Desk Procedures Only notebook, assignment book, textbook, and pencil should belong at your desk. Keep hands, feet, and supplies to yourself. Push in chair every time you get up. Clean area around desk before you leave.
Cooperative Work Groups The Wongs state most students do better in school when working in cooperative learning groups. Call them support groups. Each team member is known as a support buddy. Each student in the group has a specific job to do. Effective teachers teach the group procedures and social skills needed for functioning in a group. Be responsible for your own work and behavior Ask a support buddy for help if you have a question Help any support buddy who asks for help Ask for help from the teacher only when support buddies cannot supply it.
Conclusion about the Wongs viewpoints High expectations need to be set from day one First 5 minutes with your students set a lasting tone for your class. Write out exactly what you intend to say, do and accomplish during the first few days of class. Plan to the minute. Provide a security of consistency Schedules, rules, procedures and a preview of what is to come should be posted in the classroom. Establish work habits in students before teaching content.
Case 2 Sara Will Not Stop Talking Sara is a pleasant girl who participates in class activities and does most, though not all, of her assigned work. She cannot seem to refrain from talking to classmates, however. Her teacher, Mr. Gonzales, has to speak to her repeatedly during lessons, to the point that he often becomes exasperates and loses his temper. The first suggestion would be to first have Mr. Gonzales calm down and be level headed about the situation. He should remind Sara of the responsibilities that were covered the first weeks of school; the ones that are still posted in the classroom. After class, he should have a conversation with Sara about how she is a good student who understands that they both have responsibilities in the classroom. Mr. Gonzales should let her know that by not refraining to speak to her classmates, she is compromising both of their responsibilities in making the classroom an effective learning environment. He should let her know he will provide her plenty of opportunities to work in the support groups where she will be able to speak to her classmates when the time is appropriate.