Experience from the data collection exercise for update of the WFD priority substances 2011 D.PREUX and B.FRIBOURG-BLANC, IOW.


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Presentation transcript:

Experience from the data collection exercise for update of the WFD priority substances 2011 D.PREUX and B.FRIBOURG-BLANC, IOW

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 2 International Office for Water Non profit making association (NGO with 150 members), State approved Created in 1991 (20 years!) Missions :  international networking: INBO  services in the water domain (Training centre, Information and data Centre)  European and international cooperation: twinning, CIS-SPI, 6 th WWF Marseille

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 3 A Motto: “Capacity building for better water management!” THREE DEPARTMENTS Information management Institutional cooperation Vocational training International Office for Water

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 4 WFD priority substances: the project assistance to DGENV on WFD priority substances One main activity: monitoring based prioritisation Prioritisation methodology (INERIS) + data collection (IOW)  EU relevant, scientifically based and pragmatic  From universe of substances to a manageable list (30-50 substances)  Minimum data requirements Target: pollution of surface water compartments (Water, sediment and biota) (Adapted from V.Bonnomet, INERIS)

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 5 WFD PS: the data collection steps 1.Define the needs: minimum mandatory and optional fields, voluntary basis 2. Create the End user tool (MS Access) for data collection 3. Data collection + helpdesk 4. Gather data, analyse, define the corrections and quality checks, test and implement 5. Import data in a central database 6. Treat data for prioritisation

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 6 Tools to support the collection The Microsoft Access End user tool (+template) The How to use guide A Web page and a helpdesk

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 7 WFD PS: Data collection 2008 and 2009 A strictly defined template with 22 mandatory fields Flexibility introduced on 8 fields (longitude/latitude, LoD/LoQ, type of station, date of sampling, biota species, laboratory name) A flexible data collection tool, and detailed documentation for non experts, to:  minimise reporting burden: except on some validity checks, any fraction, any unit, any substance even with missing mandatory fields is accepted  allow decentralised distribution of the tool (experienced by RO)  maximise quantity of data collected Interaction between data provider and consultant for  Quality checking before selection of relevant dataset(s)  correction of missing fields and coherence

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 8 WFD PS: Preliminary data treatment Only datasets for surface water  River, Lake, Transitional, Coastal, Marine Elimination of :  data measured before year 2000  non relevant parameters (e.g. P(tot), Nitrates, etc.)  datasets for which neither LOD nor LOQ were provided  Insufficient precision of matrix or fraction (all ”other”) Correction  station location if missing  substance name (in national language) or CAS code if detected wrong  unit (in national language)  fraction when it can be gathered with existing fractions  date of sampling or date of analysis format or when one is missing Harmonisation of the measurement units ( 130 units on the 1130 substances provided and 102 units on 21 Tin compounds )  Water: µg/l, Sediment: µg/kg dw, Biota: µg/kg ww

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 9 WFD PS: Central Database creation A central database similar to the End User tool (Station, Sampling, Analysis)  structured database (PostGre/PostGIS, SQL Language)  on-line management tools for import of datasets (SQL based interface)  Maintenance tools for storing and saving (SQL calculation modules) All individual files imported (more than 50 files, up to 40 GBytes) export XML file End User Tool : one for each data provider Use for prioritisation Internal checks and validation import Central database Discarded (cat. 1 incomplete)

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 10 Source: GIS layer : Official WFD Districts WFD PS: Summary situation Data Surface water 26 Member States + CH and NO almost stations -4 water body types sampling 14,6 million analyses substances or groups (PCB and Tin compounds)

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 11 WFD PS: Apportionment of analyses by year by water category

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 12 WFD PS: Apportionment of analyses by matrix along analytical result

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 13 WFD PS: The data quality aspects -Example: performance criteria set in Directive 2009/90/EC: LoQ < 0,3 x EQS

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 14 WFD PS: Conclusion The first data collection of regular chemical monitoring data under WFD and a huge database A collaborative exercise involving EU and MS authorities A complete report on quality assessments (restricted, accessible to CIS expert) concluded future data collection will require:  Adaptation of the data collection template and tool  additional collection rules (more mandatory fields, checks…)  A checking mechanism on the data content (station location, …)  more quality information (LoD and LoQ, accreditation…)  Use of WISE and INSPIRE reference lists Possible development could include:  Use of a shared EU wide structured water language (Reportnet)  Use of shared reference lists (Reportnet Data Dictionary, ROD…)  Use of shared scenarios  for example the French system: SANDRE and EDILABO

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 15 SANDRE, French data and metadata for water A cornerstone of French water information system Water Agencies RBD authorities IndustriesMunicipalitiesLaboratories Ministry of Environment I do not understand the data sent I can not read the format I need to develop a specific mapping for each data collection He used codes I do not know SANDRE Data interchange in an evolving context: WFD implementation, progress of scientific knowledge… Numerous actors with different needs and tools

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 16 SANDRE, a collaborative system for water professionals Surface water Waste water Drinking water Transitional and coastal water Rainwater Groundwater 123 From natural water cycle to anthropogenic water cycle: a number of themes From professional language to database interoperability Experts needs Conceptual model Database

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 17 SANDRE, the approach 1 st STEP: A COMMON SEMANTIC 3 rd STEP: SCENARIOS DATA DICTIONARIES FOR EACH THEME 2 nd STEP: COMMON REFERENCES CODE LISTS, REFERENCE MAP LAYERS DATA EXCHANGE BY SCENARIOS AND FORMATS XML-XSD Scenario documentation All the SANDRE results are freely available

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 18 Extract of data model

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 19 SANDRE: code list management PARAMETER UNIT METHOD MATRIX FRACTION ANALYSED µg/L T WATER raw water The principle: evolving code lists freely available to water community to ease data interchange.

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 20 EDILABO, a scenario for water analysis Client – public administration or private operator Laboratory Sampler in situ information Asks for analyses Asks for samplings in situ information Samples Analyses results 3 main actors, electronic exchange of sectoral data.

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 21 EDILABO: secured data exchange in water field Started 2001, based on EDIFACT standard and SANDRE, Target water physico-chemical and microbiological analyses, Example:

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 22 Main conclusions Based on WFD PS first experience:  the first voluntary exercise proved feasibility of collecting big datasets  Tool known: can be used for future Quality of data expected to improve:  QA/QC Directive entered into force Aug. 09 and transposed Aug. 11 (art 4 minimum performance, Art 5 calculation of mean, Art 6 ISO 17025)  EQS Directive a need to improve robustness and reliability of data collections  More mandatory fields  a need for more automatic data interchanges  French SANDRE proves the feasibility of automating the process A collaborative work: crucial for the success !!!

D. Preux, B. Fribourg-Blanc, Norman data exchange Workshop, 20-21/04/2011 slide 23 Thanks for your attention…