Effective Principals in Our Schools Takes Commitment and Focus American Association of School Administrators Ann Clark, Deputy Superintendent March 29, 2013
About CMS Number of Schools: 159 Elementary schools: 88 Middle schools: 39 High schools: 28 Alternative schools: 4 Number of Principals/APs: 159/238 Number of full-time teachers: 8,890 Number of Students (excludes Pre-K): 138,012 Zone Superintendents: 6 Vision: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life. Mission: The mission of CMS is to maximize academic achievement by every student in every school.
Effective Teaching and Leadership Performance Management Areas of Focus Recruit and retain top talent for school-level positions. Ensure that school leaders have the ability and resources to meet the needs of students and teachers. Develop training programs for leaders and potential leaders to help improve performance. Key Strategies Design a five-year principal-induction program. Develop a succession plan for all key positions within the district. Expand opportunities for principal innovation through Freedom and Flexibility with Accountability. Tactics Board Theory of Action Core Beliefs Strategic Plan 2014 Strategic Plan Alignment
Wallace Principal Pipeline Initiative CMS was awarded a grant from the Wallace Foundation, which launched an initiative in 2011 to help six urban school districts develop a much larger corps of effective principals and to determine whether this makes a difference in student learning in their schools. Based on 10 years of research, Wallace has identified four key parts of a principal pipeline that can develop and ensure the success of a sufficient number of principals to meet district needs. Leader Standards Pre-Service Training Selective Hiring Evaluation/ Support
Principal Pipeline Initiative School Executive Leadership Academy Aspiring Leaders
Leadership Framework
Leadership Framework Alignment Establish competencies that indicate CMS focus on developing effective leaders within the NC Seven Standards of Executive Leadership Ensure principal preparation programs include an emphasis on the NC Seven Standards and competencies in their selection criteria and curriculum Incorporate NC Seven Standards and competencies in selection and hiring strategy for school leaders Re-assess how effectiveness is measured and evaluated to include the NC Executive Principal Evaluation and other measures (TEP) Align principal/AP support with NC Seven Standards and competencies to help principals /AP grow
Principal Preparation Partners Leaders for Tomorrow-Winthrop University Two year program tailored to CMS Strategic Plan 2014 Candidates are nominated by sitting principals or district leaders Selection criteria and curriculum mapped to the NC Seven Standards of Executive Leadership CMS district leaders participate in selection process and classroom activities Participants complete coursework towards an MA in educational leadership and license School Executive Leadership Academy – Queens University of Charlotte Partnership between the Cato School of Education, the McColl School of Business, CMS and other surrounding districts Candidates are nominated by sitting principals or district leaders Selection criteria and curriculum are mapped to the NC Seven Standards of Executive Leadership CMS district leaders participate in selection process and classroom activities Participants receive the North Carolina school executive license in 14 months
AP/Principal Talent Pools Rigorous screening and selection that provides candidates for school based selection process – Resume, Letter of Interest, PD transcript, evaluations (past three years), student/school level data that demonstrates impact – Interview, Writing Exercise and Case Discussion (principal candidates only) – Rubric that aligns with NC Seven Standards of Executive Leadership Screening by HR; selection by principals All candidates for principals/AP positions must be in the talent pool School leadership position openings only advertised to talent pool candidates and sitting principal/APs Training provided to talent pool candidates
Talent Effectiveness Project: AP/Principal Evaluation The principal design team has recommended: Ensure consistency with the evaluation process Explore ways to incorporate peer feedback for developmental purposes Identify ways to improve the teacher survey More accurately evaluate and more fully support CMS employees’ performance Align goals at all levels so every employee understands their contribution to student success. The Talent Effectiveness Project is aimed at developing all talent across the district, to ultimately ensure student success.
Principal/AP Support
Demonstrating Leadership Vision and Innovation Learning About Leadership Basic Skills Innovation Institute Val-Ed 360 Degree Feedback (pilot) Queens University Education Leadership Institute Consultant Coach Model SAM Process (Year 2) Capstone Project Val-Ed 360 Degree Feedback (pilot) Principal Induction
Principal/AP Support Principal
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