Systems Software CSC 101 Unit 2 CSC 101 Unit 2
Software A collection of instructions that tells the computer what to do
3 System Software: The OS Controls computer functions Hardware Processor Memory Devices Provides means for software to work with the CPU Responsible for management, scheduling, and interaction of tasks Provides user interface
4 System Software: Utilities Utilities: Programs that perform computer housekeeping tasks Manage system resources Improve efficiency Virus prevention
5 Operating System Categories Four categories: Real-time (RTOS) Single-user, single-task Single-user, multitask Multiuser
6 Real-Time Operating Systems Systems with a specific purpose and a certain result Uses include: Industrial machines Robotic devices Automobiles Video game consoles Home appliances
7 Single-User Operating Systems Single-task systems Perform one task at a time PDAs: Pocket PC Palm OS Windows Mobile MS-DOS Multitask systems Perform simultaneous tasks Windows Mac OS Linux
8 Multiuser Operating Systems Known as network operating systems Allow access to the computer system by more than one user Manage user requests Systems include: Linux UNIX Unicos Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista Mac OS X i5/OS z/OS
9 Desktop and Notebook Operating Systems An operating system combined with a processor is known as a platform. Microsoft Windows/Intel Apple Macintosh/Motorola Desktop and notebook operating systems include: Microsoft Windows Mac OS Linux UNIX
Microsoft Windows Windows Vista (2007) This newest version of Windows, which comes in many versions, provides tighter security and improved graphical capabilities. 10
11 Mac OS First commercially available OS with point- and-click technology (graphical user interface) Excellent in: Graphics display Processing capabilities System reliability File backup utilities Document recovery Fewer software applications available than for Windows
12 Linux Open source operating system Based on UNIX Stable system Free May be downloaded from the Internet
13 Operating Systems for Servers and Mainframes Servers Manage network resources Mainframes Handle requests from hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously Operating systems: Windows Server Unix
14 UNIX Multiuser, multitask operating system Used primarily with mainframes
15 What the OS Does Provides a user interface Manages the CPU Manages memory and storage Manages hardware and peripheral devices Coordinates application software with the CPU
16 The User Interface Enables you to interact with the computer Types of interfaces: Command-driven interface Menu-driven interface Graphical user interface (GUI) Command-driven
17 Processor Management Controls the timing of events the processor works on Interrupts Interrupt handler Interrupt table Stack
18 Memory and Storage Management The operating system allocates space in RAM for instructions and data. RAM Operating System
19 Hardware and Peripheral Device Management Device drivers Programs that enable the operating system to communicate with peripheral devices Provided by the manufacturer of the device Plug and Play Hardware and software standard Facilitates the installation of new hardware
20 Software Application Coordination Application programming interfaces (APIs) Blocks of code contained in the operating system Coordinate the operating system with software applications – Similar toolbars and menus
21 Starting the Computer The Boot Process Step 1: The basic input/output system (BIOS) is activated. Step 2: A power-on self-test (POST) checks attached hardware. Step 3: The operating system loads into RAM. Step 4: Configuration and customization settings are checked.
22 The Desktop
23 Windows Title barClose button Ribbon Minimize button Maximize/Restore button Scrollbar Document view options
24 File Management The operating system provides an organizational structure for the computer’s contents. Hierarchical structure of directories: Drives Folders Subfolders Files
25 File Management Files and folders inside MGT 111 Spring folder Navigation pane with links to favorite folders Folders presented in a hierarchical structure Click to display the Searches Folder MGT 111 Spring folder selected
26 Viewing and Sorting Files and Folders Details view
27 Naming Files Filename: Name assigned plus filename extension Characters not legal in Windows filenames: “ / \ * ? | : Character not legal in Mac filenames: : Bioreport.docx or Bio report.docx
28 Filename Extensions ExtensionType of DocumentApplication.docWord-processing documentMicrosoft Word 2003.docxWord-processing document Microsoft Word 2007 document.wpdWord-processing documentCorel WordPerfect.xlsxSpreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2007 workbook.accdbDatabaseMicrosoft Access 2007.pptxPowerPoint presentation Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 presentation.pdfPortable Document Format Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.rtfText Any program that can read text documents.txtText Any program that can read text documents
29 Filename Extensions (cont.) ExtensionType of DocumentApplication.htm or.htmlWeb page Any program that can read HTML.jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image Most programs capable of displaying images.gif Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) image Most programs capable of displaying images.bmpBitmap imageWindows.zipCompressed fileWinZip
30 File Path File path: Location of the file C:\My Documents\CSC 101\Study Guide 1.docx
31 Working with Files File management actions: Open Copy Move Rename Delete Recycle Bin
32 Utility Programs Small programs that perform special functions: Manage system resources Create a pleasant environment Improve efficiency
33 Display Utilities Change the appearance of: Desktop Windows colors Font sizes Include: Screen savers Screen resolution Clear Type
34 System Maintenance Utilities Disk defragmenter ScanDisk: Error checker Disk Cleanup Task Manager
35 System Restore Restores system settings to a specific date
36 System Backup Backup Creates a copy of a hard drive to another storage device Task Scheduler Runs selected utilities automatically