1 Ad2 Denver Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum
2 Ad2 Denver Club History Officially formed in January 2007 with 10 board members By March 2007 we were educating ourselves about the Ad2 National Public Service Competition
3 Committee Structure Founded the committee with an Account Director and a Creative Director Recruited more than 20 members to join our committee Teams: Research Public Relations Creative Media
4 Client Selection Process Sent 20 RFPs to local non-profits; narrowed to three candidates to interview Chose Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum because of its team and cause Relevant to our region Unique opportunity Realistic expectations Smooth approval process
5 Campaign Management Established schedule for accomplishing objectives Mar-Jul ’07: Client selection process Aug-Dec ’07: Research Jan ’08: Concept development Late Jan ’08: Campaign launch Feb 16 th ’08: Grand opening Established organization to streamline communications and deadlines
6 Market Research Objective to understand BWAMM’s category, competition, and consumer to determine brand development/strategy Methodology: Primary and Secondary research Development and execution of integrated communications plan Creative and Media Interactive - website, banner ads, social networking profiles Grass roots Public Relations Sponsorships Success metrics/CRM program – Museum Patron Survey
7 Research Results Target those with a deep appreciation for the mountains Competing with mountain activities, other museums, other activities Brand personality: Fun (just as good as going to the movies); entertaining; inspiring; fascinating; adventurous
8 Campaign Objectives Primary: Create awareness and drive attendance to Museum Build local awareness, specifically Drive visitors to grand opening Sustain guest visits beyond grand opening Secondary: Guide corporate sponsor recruitment
9 Strategy Media Appear in wide variety of targeted media Utilize high frequency media Broad reach throughout region Creative Tone (fun, adventurous, entertaining) Integrated creative with each media venue
10 Print Ad Utilized a humorous tone to engage consumers Featured mountaineering photos to create image of adventurousness
11 Billboard Ad
12 Bus Shelter Ad
13 Banner Ad
14 Banner Ad
15 Banner Ad
16 Cinema Ad (:15 animation)
17 Radio Ad (:30) CLICK TO LISTEN
18 Social Networking
19 Collateral
20 Print publications Web FreeFi ThisWeekInDenver Grist.org Radio 8 stations (320 spots) Outdoor Bus shelters Billboards 8 sheets Miscellaneous: Cinema TV Press Coverage Media
21 Public Relations 31+ articles.com
22 Sponsorship Kit Museum specifically requested help soliciting corporate sponsors Created content and design Identified relevant corporations to approach Successfully obtained sponsors for grand opening
23 Post-campaign Research Developed and printed a customer exit survey to: Listen to visitors/obtain valuable feedback Measure progress over specific period of time (e.g. quarterly, annually) Begin building customer information database consisting of visitor demographics and contact information Trained Museum staff on Microsoft Access to input data, maintain information and pull self- generated reports
24 Campaign Budget Less than $4,000 available for communications Funds from BWAMM and their partner affiliates Obtained over $100,000 in media and services
25 Results Goal: Create awareness Achieved through media: 46,488 Total Impressions, 60 GRPs Achieved through public relations: 31 articles Goal: Drive attendance 800 Attendees grand opening weekend (exceeded BWAMM’s expected attendance) Nearly 3,000 Attendees Feb 16-June 1 Goal: Guide corporate sponsor recruitment Obtained 2 corporate sponsors for grand opening weekend
26 Ad2 Denver Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum