Welcome to Boise State University Please sign in at the back tables and find your child’s seat. We will begin shortly =) Miss Mary Kathryn Gottbrecht 8t h Grade Professor
Agenda Introduction School Wide Policies 8 th Grade Curriculum Classroom Expectations Parent Volunteer
About Me
School Wide Policies
Homework minutes each night minutes of reading on top of assigned homework Graded on completion and effort Meant to reinforce skills taught that day in class Long-term projects meant to be spread out over the days, not crammed into the night before Use of Agenda
Homework Grade 1 st offense: Warning… Note sent home Grade A Not eligible for the trimester Prep award 2 nd offense: Note sent home Grade B 3 rd offense: Parent and teacher conference for homework strategies Grade C 4 th offense: Mandatory conference for “Success Plan” Grade D
Grading % = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D <59% = F Subject grades are compromised of tests, quizzes, classwork and project. Take-Home Tuesday – Tests/work from previous week sent home. Parent signature required Online grade book Aeries
School Wide Policies cont. BOTH parents must be present during parent conferences 4 annual parties Literature Day, Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, End of the Year No treats for birthday Antecedents of Excellence expected from students Pick up and Drop Off
8 th Grade Curriculum
Language Arts Reading Comprehension is taught through Social Studies & Science. Response to Literature is taught through works of fiction. Written Conventions (includes spelling and vocabulary) will be taught an assessed every week. Writing Strategies will continue to be developed with opinion paragraphs and essays.
Science Physical Science Motion Energy Periodic Table of Elements Chemistry Physics
History American History Declaration of Independence Constitution Founding of our Government Industrial Revolution
Math Algebra will be taught in the classroom during the school day With Miss Gottbrecht Geometry will be taught during the school day for those who qualify With Mr. Shipes This year only An enrichment option in the areas of Geometry, Algebra 2, etc. is available through BYU Independent Study
CNN Student News Morning work will consist of CNN Student News clip that is produced by CNN ◦ appropriate for Middle School – High School students 10 minute video on current events Response questions and/or activities
EurOPA Our 8 th graders will have the opportunity to travel to Europe this year!! Look forward to a Trips meeting in the near future to discuss travel dates, cost, fundraising and much more!
8 th Grade Non-Core Classes Physical Education with Coach B Tuesdays Science Lab with Mrs. Jones Mondays Computers with Ms. Mota Mondays Band with Mr. T Mondays and Wednesdays Library with Mrs. Gamache Thursdays Choir with Mrs. Madott Thursdays French with Mr. Lehjika Tae Kwon Do
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Management Learnball Positive behavior system Class Split into teams Can earn points and Bronco Cards Firm, Fair, Consistent Grade entered daily
Classroom Rules Take care of yourself Take care of others Take care of BSU
Classroom Rewards Learnball Points Bronco Cards Boise Cash Periodic Table Bingo
Classroom Consequences Verbal/non-verbal warning (-2%) Making Better Choice (-3%) Behavior Essay Behavior Contract Office Referral (trimester grade D)
Parent Volunteers
Involvement University Parent 2 Art Master Parents Photography Classroom/At-Home Prep MAJORS Graduation EurOPA Fundraising All volunteers must attend a parent volunteer meeting
Questions?? Thank you for coming! I look forward to working with you and your children