Year 2 Tier 2
How would you respond? ______Student is fighting. ______ Student continues to chew gum in class after 2 redirections to spit it out. ______Student takes supplies from teacher’s desk without permission. ______Student audibly mumbles “I hate this damn class!” ______Student A trips Student B. Student B falls and gets a nose bleed. ______Student cheats on a test. ______Student doodles in pen in a text book. ______Student sleeps in class (third time this week) Ignore Behavior Prompts Consequences Office Referral
Our discipline strategies are built on our beliefs…
Consensogram Indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements, Using 0 as the strongest disagreement And 100 as the strongest agreement strongest disagreement strongest agreement
To what degree do you believe that students are doing the best that they can with the behavior knowledge and skills that they have? 0100 strongest disagreementstrongest agreement
To what extent do you believe that a student’s behavior is a way of communicating something they need? 0100 strongest disagreement strongest agreement
To what degree do you believe that students who misbehave can learn a new, appropriate way to behave? 0100 strongest disagreement strongest agreement
To what degree do you believe that if we change the situational triggers, a student may behave more appropriately? 0100 strongest disagreement strongest agreement
To what degree do you believe that if we teach a student social and emotional skills, that student might learn how to behave more appropriately? 0100 strongest disagreementstrongest agreement
All staff need to know how they are supposed to deal with student misbehavior What should I handle on my own? When should an administrator be involved? When should we meet to create an individual plan for a student?
The effectiveness of office referral as a correction may be weakened. Administrators are overwhelmed, so they simply “process” students instead of solving the problems that led to the misbehavior. Staff may feel they are “handing off” referred students. Staff may feel administrator is inconsistent and/or lenient.
Plan for Dealing with Discipline Problems Establishing a 3-level System for Responding to Misbehavior Reaching Staff Consensus on Level 3 Misbehaviors Implementing a System for Documenting and Monitoring Level 2 and 3 Misbehaviors
When defining the 3 categories of infractions… The nature of both the student behavior and the required adult response need to be considered.
Level 1 (mild) Infractions Definition – minor misbehaviors that can be adequately corrected at the time they occur and do not require documentation Adult response – Staff corrects the student at the time, in the setting.
Level 2 (moderate) Infractions Definition – Misbehaviors that don’t require immediate administrative involvement but do require documentation because: o Reporting staff has assigned a school-wide correction that involves other staff (detention) o Reporting staff wants administrative input on the incident (teasing v. harassment) o Reporting staff feels administrator should have a record of the situation (Level 1 becoming chronic) Adult response – Staff corrects student at the time and/or assigns a school-wide correction, and completes an incident report form that goes to the office.
Level 3 (severe) Infractions Definition – Serious misbehaviors that require immediate administrative involvement (office referral) and written documentation. Illegal behaviors, behaviors that threaten physical safety or adult authority (MUST HAVE CONSENSUS!) Adult response – Staff sends the student to the office or calls for help to remove the student, and completes an incident report form that goes to the administration.
Brainstorm at your table... What are the advantages of having a system of Three Levels to respond to misbehavior.
Reaching Consensus on Level 3 Misbehaviors
Level 3 misbehaviors are defined in advance Illegal acts- Staff MUST report these! Physically dangerous acts – Pose a threat to physical safety (staff judgment) Acts of defiance – Overt, immediate refusal to comply with a reasonable adult direction o Direction was clear, observable o Direction was immediate o Direction was given 3 times (serious, written)
Possible Administrative Additions to Level 3 Infractions Code of Conduct violations Violations of district, state, or federal mandates (bullying) Others that administrator believes should be added? Ask your administrator…
Suggested Activities Have a staff discussion on categorizing misbehavior into mild, moderate, and severe levels. Get staff suggestions about Level 3 behaviors (no more than 30 minutes!) Present different scenarios about student misbehavior. Ask staff to spend time before next meeting to think about Level 3 behaviors.
Implementing a System for Documenting and Monitoring Level 2 and 3 Misbehaviors
Develop an Incident Report Form to Document Level 2 and 3 Reflects staff agreements Important features o List the Level 2 and 3 behaviors agreed upon o Action taken for a Level 2 o Administrative action taken for a Level 3 o School-wide rules or guidelines for success
Other considerations Decide who else should receive a copy of the form (administrator, reporting staff…) Have a few staff field-test the form before it is submitted to faculty for adoption Provide training on how to use this form for all staff (once it is adopted)
This form enhances communication when… Administrator deals with Level 3 ASAP and lets reporting staff know actions taken! Administrator reviews Level 2 incident reports ASAP and follows through on reports as needed Staff feel comfortable suggesting to administrators that repeated Level 2=chronic which needs collaborative staff plan for the student Homeroom teachers of students with Level 2 or 3 reports are supportive of both the students and reporting staff.
Incident reports should be entered into a database. PBS Team should review incident report summaries monthly. Examine data for trends and patterns. Use data to identify and/or confirm improvement priorities. Summary data should not be presented on individual teachers or students, though this info needs to be collected and analyzed.
Suggested Activities Develop a new incident report (referral) form that reflects staff agreements on the levels of student misbehavior, esp. Level 3 Have a few staff field-test the form. Modify it if needed Present new incident form to entire staff for adoption or rejection. Have a data system
Define Procedures for Level 1 Staff should not expect any other staff to take additional action Staff should treat the misbehavior as a Level 2 if he/she: o Assigns a school-wide correction (detention) o Wants administrative input about the situation o Believes administrator should be aware of situation
Menu of appropriate staff responses to Level 1 misbehaviors Gives staff flexibility Provides administrative support for staff action taken o Use responses administration supports o Corrections assigned only by administrators should not be on the menu o No academic or humiliation!
Classroom Common Area Corrections Corrections Give a gentle reprimand Use Proximity Correction Keep a record of the behavior Assign time owed (recess, after school, after class) Assign time out at desk Assign time out in another location in classroom Assign time out in another classroom Student fills out a Behavior Improvement Form Require restitution Give a gentle reprimand Use Proximity Correction Keep a record of the behavior Assign time out where the infraction occurred Assign time out at a set location Have student walk with you or stay with you Written report to the classroom teacher Student fills out a Behavior Improvement Form
Suggested Activities Have a brainstorming and discussion session(s) to develop and adopt the menus for Level 1. Document the adopted menus in writing and give copies to staff. Include copies in the staff handbook.
Defining Staff Procedures for Level 2 Documentation required but no administrative involvement needed because… o school-wide correction was assigned o administrator awareness needed o administrator input needed
Sample Menu of Level 2 Any correction on the Level 1 menus All school-wide corrections that do not require administrative involvement o After-school detention o Lunch detention o Problem-solving room, Redirect
Considerations for Level 2 School-wide corrections Sending student to a “Problem- Solving Area” Assigning after-school detention Corrections that require administrative involvements (suspension)
Other Considerations for Level 2 Should Level 2 involve parent contact or student signature on referral? What should administrator do with the Level 2 reports initially? When should administrator become actively involved?
Suggested Activities Develop a proposed menu for Level 2. Have the administrator, with or without team input, develop a proposal on the administrative role in Level 2 procedures Have a staff meeting to review, refine Level 2 procedures and get input on administrative role proposal. Adopt and document in writing.
Defining Staff and Administrative Procedures for Level 3 o List sequence of staff authorized to process Level 3 reports o Administrator and 2 designees o Role of designees is to process referrals immediately and make any needed decisions at the time of the referral (Call police? Send home?), and meet with administrator 2x year o All office staff have a copy!
Sample Menu for Level 3 Any correction on the menus for Level 1 and 2 In-school suspension Saturday School File criminal charges DAEP Out-of-school suspension Expulsion
Detailed Plan of Office Staff Role in Level 3 Referrals Supervision of referred student during the entire process, from referral to student arrival in office What to do if administrator is out or busy when referred student arrives Where student should wait, what student should do while waiting How to interact with a referred student Level 3 Plan
Levels of Discipline
Observe (Recognize) Problem Behavior Is the behavior major? Determine Consequence Write referral for student Complete minor report form Hall monitor/securit y escort to the office File discipline log Send written referral to the office Has the behavior occurred 3 times? NO Office Determines Consequence Follow documented procedure Implement Consequence YES Determine Behavior Is it a crisis? Contact office for support Get recommendations from office Utilize classroom management procedures and/or strategies Give teacher feedback on consequences Follow up with student and teacher Colton Middle School Referral Process YES NO YES
Arundel High School Office Referral Flow Chart
Procedure for Returning Referred Student to Class Sequence of steps developed by administrator and staff
Designing Support Procedures for Staff and Students Support staff dealing with severe/chronic behaviors by creating a climate of collaboration Provide a written menu of problem-solving support systems and resources Use other resources and training
Establish Red-flag Criteria for Students Who May Need More Support A 3rd Level 3 incident report in 1 semester A 10th Level 2 incident report in 1 semester Failing grades in 2 or more classes in 1 semester Excessive absenteeism INITIATE TIER 3 INTERVENTIONS
Climate is the daily behavior of the adults. Every building has its own personality and tone. Disinvitational messages can be lethal.
Review Prioritize Revise/Develop Adopt Implement Continuous Improvement Process The Improvement Cycle! Your Team Will Drive an Ongoing Improvement Process:
based on data and sound research
1. Collect It – Different measures: numbers (office referrals), perceptional data (surveys), and direct observational (common area observations, BoQ) 2. Analyze It – Find patterns. Make statements about data; no judgment or solutions yet! 3. Display/Present It – Share data in graphic format to staff every 4-8 weeks
One piece at a time… 1. Benchmark of Quality (BoQ) 2. PBS Implementation Checklist (PIC) 3. Surveys---staff and student 4. Common area observations 5. Referrals
Surveys tell you how people “feel” about a building’s culture and climate Surveys will often raise concerns that office referral data will not. Look for patterns of responses by students and staff. Compare survey data year to year (Is school culture and climate improving?)
Item 1Time students scheduled to be in area Item 2Number of scheduled supervising staff members present Item 3Number of staff members present not scheduled to be supervising students Items 4- 8SAFETY ITEMS Items 9-15CIVILITY ITEMS Items 16-18PRODUCTIVITY ITEMS Items 19-20GENERAL ITEMS VISITOR? OVERALL RATING
Strengths/PositivesAreas of ConcernDifferences in Staff and Student Responses PIC OBSERVATIONS SURVEY
1. Collect It – Different measures: numbers (office referrals), perceptional data (surveys), and direct observational (common area observations, SET) 2. Analyze It – Find patterns. Make statements about data; no judgment or solutions yet! 3. Display/Present It – Share data in graphic format to staff every 4-8 weeks. Develop proposals, get faculty adoption— follow the improvement cycle!
T.C. Cherry Elementary – Office Referrals
Detentions T.C. Cherry Elementary: After-School Detentions