dm+d User Guide Information Standards Delivery 1
Purpose of this user guide To highlight what dm+d is To create awareness about dm+d as an NHS Standard To provide general guidance to facilitate incorporation into healthcare systems To point users to other more detailed guidance documents currently available
Audience This is a high level document aimed at those: Who need a basic understanding of dm+d and its intended use in the NHS Required to adhere to the ISB 0052 dm+d Standard Gain a better understanding of the relationship between dm+d and the SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension
When reviewing the document This document is work in progress and readers are requested to provide feedback so we can make a useful and informative document. In particular: –Sections that are unclear, requiring clarification –Gaps in the guidance any information you would consider useful and currently missing or not provided in enough detail
When reviewing the document –Is more technical guidance in finding, downloading and handling the files required? –Is referencing other guidance/documentation useful or should certain content (to be specified) be incorporated into this document? –Section 4 – Using dm+d data – what other information would be useful to include in this section?
When reviewing the document Is further content about the SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension (for Sections 7/8) required? E.g. –Realm description subsets –Bonus files –Further information about e-prescribing subsets and how they are used to support secondary care implementation guidance
dm+d Overview – Section 3 What is dm+d –Background –Purpose –Links with DH Information Strategy Brief overview of the dm+d model Description of more detailed documents and where to find them
Using dm+d data – Section 4 Electronic prescribing and administration systems (ePMA) Pharmacy systems Medicines reconciliation on admission and discharge Transfer of medicines information
dm+d Standard – ISB 0052 – Section 5 Information Standards Board (ISB) 0052 –What is the Standard –Purpose of the Standard –Complying with the Standard –Links to more detailed documentation
dm+d coverage – Section 6 What products are in dm+d Future plans for increasing scope of content (have not included yet but may be worth including a section) Content within dm+d that must be used to comply with the dm+d Standard
Obtaining dm+d data – Section 7 Where to find dm+d data What is available for download –dm+d –SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension Licences required Frequency of downloads File structure / naming
dm+d vs. SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension - Section 8 What is the SNOMED CT (SCT) UK Drug Extension Purpose of the SCT UK Drug Extension What is the difference between the dm+d and the SCT UK Drug Extension Which one to use SNOMED CT identifiers
Updates to dm+d – Section 9 Frequency of updates Expected weekly changes to content Changes to Editorial Policy & Model Helpdesk –Requesting additions –Reporting issues
Importing dm+d data (Appendices) Appendices will include: –How to import dm+d xml into Microsoft Excel –(see separate attachment) –Would a similar document for importing dm+d xml into Microsoft Access be of value?
Additional content to be worked on Pending feedback Further content about the SNOMED CT UK Drug Extension (for Sections 7/8) –Realm description subsets –Bonus files –Further information about e-prescribing subsets and how they are used to support secondary care implementation guidance