Malawi 2014
Building Progress Administration block and staff toilets internally painted with PVA and 2 topcoats Window frames repainted with 2 coats now glazed
Classrooms 1&2 Re-painting all the glazed window frames with two coats of gloss and cleaning the glass Painted murals
Classroom 4 Cleared rubbish, swept and re-organised all the building materials (including 10 tonnes of roof timber), making room for next consignment of roof timber
Teachers Houses 1&2 Cleared rubbish Scraped concrete debris from floors & walls Swept & prepared for painting PVA & 2 topcoats completed in house 1 PVA completed in house 2
Builder & labourers work Five sections of floors poured for second school block Walkway between block 1 and toilet block poured Bricks made and 2 brick kilns built and fired
Fundraising Matters £9125 w as taken out for the project this year. Parachute purchased &donated to the school 200 book bags purchased Personal donations given to mission partners
Good Job done!
Time Out
Sunrise Devotions
Bible Translation Project
R&R at Lake Malawi
What Next? Please continue to pray: Head-teacher still needed. Toilet block needs completing before school can be inspected & opened Second block of 4 classrooms + library to be built 6 more teachers houses to build
Staff Team Plans David & Pauline are still committed to lead the Malawi project forward.