Physical Education Bernice Benjamin Cooperative activities include: Volley Volley, Scooter Ball, and Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag. Competitive activities include: Homerun Derby, Soccer, and Take the Bacon. Good Sportsmanship is taught, and encouraged. Lower grades focus on… locomotor skills such as galloping, sliding, and skipping. Upper grades focus on… team sports such as Whiffleball, Kickball, and Basketball. “In Physical Education Class we will provide a variety of cooperative sports and fitness activities. Medical excuses are required for students who are unable to participate. For the safety of your child and all the children participating in Physical Education activities, MUST wear or bring sneakers to class in order to participate. This should be an exciting school year, as your children increase their fitness level, and expand their knowledge in PE.”
Art Teacher SoYoung Park-Bovee Art Class Younger grades will have - Educational, age-appropriate yet challenging and fun projects for students. Third grade will produce murals, Fourth grade will focus on drawing and… Fifth grade will focus on painting. Students within these grades will be receiving intensive training. Art Club Art Club will be available for fifth grade and will meet daily from 8:10 am to 8:40 am. See next slide for examples “I would like to welcome you to the new school year. I am excited to open the door of the art world to my students. I invite you to enthusiastically join with me in supporting them, as I guide their artistic growth.”
Student Projects
Enrichment Suzanne Cline Enrichment promotes and develops higher order thinking skills Provides opportunities for advanced independent and collaborative activities Provides a setting for students to engage in authentic experiences in complex issues and situations Sets high expectations for self directed and motivated students and… Prepares students to participate in the Science Fair, Meaningful Economics, Stock Market Game, Lego League, writing competitions and many other opportunities to showcase their abilities. “Our enrichment program at Oberle ranges from Grades 3 to 5: and provides a rigorous curriculum for high ability learners in literacy and math.”
Library/ Media Arts Mr. Holmes Inside Media Arts we will… Teach understanding of the Scientific Method Prepare for STEM research and progress Learning the proper ways to research Presentation of research and new information Learning to create productions from real- world questions and problems Using math and science synonymously “Greetings parents and Friends - I am very happy to come on board as Oberle’s Media Arts Specialist”
Technology Special Hi! My name is Mrs. Benson, and I am very excited about joining the Expressive Arts team and teaching Technology Special for our K-5 students this school year! Our curriculum will encompass the Delaware Technology Education and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Standards. Students will be engaged in technology lessons that will provide them with the opportunity to develop 21 st century skills. Students will learn computer basics, internet basics, and keyboarding. They will also be exposed to various educational software and applications including, but not limited to, MS Office, Kidspiration and Digital Storybook.
Music Education Mr. Savagel This year in Music we will explore the different elements of music… Reading Music Notation and Content literacy are the areas I plan to focus on with my students. We will utilize… pitch recognition music dictation And composition devices. K-1 st will continue to study developing greater reading skills 2 nd through 5 TH grades will work towards expanding their music reading, instrumental performance and expressive movement while implementing rhythmic development “On behalf of the Oberle music department I would like to welcome you to a bright and exciting new year! Take a few moments to review the following dates and add them to your calendar” PITCH SYLLABLES
School Psychologist Jessica Cooke Ed.S., NCSP Dr. Laurel Redefer (Bilingual) Special Services Jessica Cooke Ed.S., NCSP -Assist with… case management for students with special needs Perform psychoeducational evaluations to help the IEP team determine student eligibility for special education services -Member of Response to Intervention Teams -Assist with constructing 504 Accommodation Plans -Consult with teachers and staff
Mrs. Kneipp (previously Balmer) Educational Diagnostician What do I do at Oberle? Maintain IEP files to comply with state and federal regulations Schedule and facilitate IEP meetings Work collaboratively with IEP team members Coordinate with related services personnel Serve as an integral member of the targeted team Enter and update student accommodation information prior to state testing