Fashion Promotion Through Advertising and the Press
Objectives: Explain the purposes for, and levels of, fashion promotion Describe fashion promotion planning, follow-through, budgeting, and ethics Summarize the purposes for, and types of, fashion advertising Describe advertising agencies and freelancers Summarize advertising strategy and media Explain how to develop effective print advertisements Identify parts of print advertisements Define public relations and publicity Give examples of the fashion press
Fashion Promotion Promotion mix in fashion includes advertising, public relations, publicity, visual merchandising, and special events Mix based on characteristics of products and the market Advertising Mix
Fashion Cycle Promotion PEAK Store persuades consumers that theirs is the best RISE DECLINE Motivate consumer to increase desire for fashion Gain consumer loyalty with reduced prices INTRODUCTION OBSOLESCENCE Introduce trends and create interest in new fashions Stores emphasize price with large markdowns
Purposes of Fashion Promotion Inform Persuade Remind Consumers gain information about what they want, why they want it, and when and where to buy it Encourages additional purchases
Promotion Levels Distribution chain Promotion happens through all levels of production and distribution Textiles Trade Promotion Apparel Retail Promotion Retail Consumer Promotion Consumers
Promotion Program 6-Month Plan Promotion goals and objectives for selling certain merchandise; depends on How long company has been established Size, location, image, and philosophy Nature of the competition Message or theme Specific activities Timing of the activities Media mix to be used Assignments of responsibility Budget Evaluation methods
Putting the Promotion Plan into Action Six-month plan Calendars chart each promotion activity month-by-month Show planning, budgeting, and preparation needed before each event Stores may involve the following: Promotion directors Ad agencies or consultants
Calculating Promotion Expenses Usually 5%-8% of firm’s anticipated annual sales Use previous year’s expenditures as a base and then add percent based on sales trends Sometimes based on what competitors spend (hard to obtain this information)
Allocating Promotion Budgets Top-down Senior management develops promotion budget allocations Bottom-up Merchandising employees develop a promotion plan and estimate budget needed to carry out plan Affordability Allocating what company feels they can afford
Ethics in Promotion Deceptive promotion occurs when information presented misleads Deceptive prices Retailers put higher prices on items before marking them down Deceptive products Making false or misleading claims about products Deceptive sales Bait and switch
Types of Advertising Product Institutional National Regional and Local Designed to sell specific merchandise or services Institutional Designed to sell the image or reputation of an organization National Companies that sell products nationwide Regional and Local Retailers in same area
Cooperative Advertising The sharing of advertising and its costs by two or more organizations Producers of brand-name goods may help retailers with local advertising and costs Manufacturers may place restrictions on retailers to qualify for co-op money
Pros and Cons to Coop PROS CONS May tempt retailers to buy wrong products Lots of record keeping Retailers may overcharge manufacturer Effects stores with set ad contracts Competition Extra work for buyer and ad departments Additional product exposure Share ad costs Producer prestige Retail prestige Manufacturers get retailer feedback Local ads get better placement and cost
Advertising Services and Strategies Advertising agencies provide advertising expertise Help in planning an advertising platform that Defines target market Summarizes product features that will please Sets general theme Coordinates advertising pieces
Advertising Media Forms Newspapers Magazines Outdoor (billboards) Direct mail Product packaging Radio Television Video and DVD Web sites
Effective Print Ads Motivate consumer to buy Eye-catching Communicate clearly to target audience Components of print ads Headline Copy and illustrations Logo and/or slogan White space Layout: How elements of ad are put together
Public Relations Activities planned to build good relations with customers, stockholders, government, community groups, and labor Publicity: Unpaid media coverage about an organization Press releases: Written “news” to media that they may or may not use
Functions of the Fashion Press Communicate fashion information to consumers Publish advertisements Shop worldwide markets for newsworthy styles Perform market research Influence manufacturers to create new items Provide industry information Provide point of sale ads to retailers Fashion shows and seminars
Do You Know . . . Have you ever been tricked by a deceptive price or product promotion practice? A deceptive sales practice? How would you design a press kit for a new jean called “Easy Rider?” What information would it contain?