Course Selection Keeping your options open!
What you need Credit Counselling Summary Course Selection Planning Sheet Choices book Choices at ESA pamphlet Your OEN number for
High School Graduation Requirements credits = 18 compulsory + 12 optional 2. Successful completion of the literacy test hours of community service
Literacy Test No pass = No graduation Test is offered each spring Literacy course is an alternate to the test
40 Hours of Community Involvement What can you do? Activities for which you don’t get paid helping at a food bank peer tutoring teaching Sunday school classes coaching a youth soccer team What can’t you do? Not a task you would normally do (chores) or your friend’s chores Not something you do as a leisure activity (choir practice, basketball practice) Can’t take the place of someone who normally gets paid to do this work (McDonalds, babysitting, etc.) “Neighbourly goodwill”
Credit Counselling Summary
Current Courses & Credit Totals
Group 1 Credit: additional credit in English or French as a second language, or a Native language, or Classical or an International language or Social Sciences and the Humanities or Canadian and World Studies or Guidance and Career education or Cooperative education EMS 3O1 FSF 3U1 CGG 3O1 CHW 3M1 HSP 3M1 CLU 3M1 HRT 3M1 EMS 3O1 FSF 3U1 CGG 3O1 CHW 3M1 HSP 3M1 CLU 3M1 HRT 3M1 IDC 3O1
Group 3 Credit: SBI 3U1 SBI 3C1 SCH 3U1 SPH 3U1 TGI 3M1 TGP 3M1 TGG 3M1 TGJ 2O1 a Grade 11 or 12 Science or Technological Studies or Cooperative education or Computer Studies
2 arts credits in your major in each grade These courses will go toward the 12 optional credits and can be used to fulfill the requirements for Arts and Group 2 compulsory credits set by the Ministry of Education. ESA Requirements
For course selection, consider… What are your plans for after high school? What pathway will you take? Work? Apprenticeship? College? University? What are the prerequisites for college or university entrance? Start researching now!
University and College UniversityCollege - Largely theoretical learning - largely hands on learning - larger classes, less teacher - smaller classes interaction - more expensive - less expensive years for undergraduate years for certificate or degree program diploma program Some collaborative programs are available to get both a diploma and degree.
Advice: Keep your options open BUT Select courses at the right level for you University = six 4U (university level) or six 4U / 4M (univ/college) Check program pre-requisites
Course Levels C = College D = Academic E = Workplace L = Locally Developed M = College or University O = Open P = Applied U = University
Choosing Courses… All students must take 8 courses. English ENG3C vs. ENG3U Math MBF3C vs. MCF3M vs. MCR3U
Math options for Grades 11 & 12 Grade 11 courses MBF3C – College MCR3U – Functions MCF3M – Functions and Applications Grade 12 courses MDM4U – Data Management – MCF3M or MCR3U MHF4U – Advanced Functions – MCR3U MCV4U – Calculus and Vectors – MHF4U
Looking ahead… Summary of University requirements: Arts – usually no math – psychology usually requires a math course Business – a mix – few will allow only 1 math, usually MHF4U; most need 2 Engineering – usually 2 math (often MHF4U and MCV4U, although MDM may be possible) Science – usually 2 math (often MHF4U and MCV4U)
Group 3 Options Not going into science? Choose from SBI 3C, TGI 3M, TGG 3M, TGP 3M Students who are planning to pursue a math/science-related program after high school should choose from SBI 3U1, SCH 3U1, SPH 3U1
University Program SBI 3U1SCH 3U1SPH 3U1MCR 3U1 Architecture Required Engineering Required Kinesiology* Required RecommendedRequired Life Sciences Required RecommendedRequired Physical Sciences Required University Math & Science Program Requirements
Group 1 Options Choice based on interest No specific university prerequisites Talk to teachers to get more information about the grade 11 courses CGG 3O1 EMS 3O1 FSF 3U1 CHW 3M1 HSP 3M1 CLU 3M1 HRT 3M1 IDC 3O1
Arts Elective Choices Film & Video ASM 3O1 & 4M1 Drama – Acting for Film ADG 3M1/4M1 Jazz Dance ATJ 3O1 Photography AWQ 3O1/4M1 & TGP 3M1 Music – Jazz AMH 3M1/4M1 Music – Repertoire Instrumental AMR 3MI/4MI Music – Repertoire Vocal AMR 3MV/4MV Behind the Scenes IDC 3O1
Virtual School & Summer School Must select 8 courses on your ESA course selection sheet Full credit & remedial courses are available Civics & Careers Coop summer school – applications are due this month See your counsellor to register after April
External Music Credits Grade VII Performance + Grade I Theory = AMX 3M1 Grade VIII Performance + Grade II Theory = AMX 4M1 Bring in exam results to have this credit entered on your transcript.
SAT/ACT Considering a post-secondary school in the US? You are required to do the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT. Consider writing this in the spring of your Grade 11 year then again in the fall of Grade 12 if necessary. Visit for more information.
SAT Prep Private tutoring / prep classes DIY study guides PSAT On-line support
Add Courses to Official Plan Review and Submit Courses Log into myBlueprint Enter OEN/DOB (on first visit) Access High School Planner STUDENT COURSE SELECTION STEPS Print and Return Sign-Off Sheet
VISIT: 2 SELECT YOUR SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 Visit... Select your school
ENTER OEN/DOB (FIRST VISIT) Select your Grade Enter your OEN & Date of Birth
step 1 Click on Add step 2 Click on the course you would like to select step 3 Click Add Course to Plan
HIGH SCHOOL PLANNER step 2 Click “Submit” when you have selected your courses and are ready to submit step 1 Click “View Progress” to view your Graduation Status
REVIEW AND SUBMIT COURSES step 1 Review your selections step 2 Click Confirm and Print when you are ready to submit Note: You will not be able to change your course selections in myBlueprint after this step. Please consult your Guidance Counsellor if you wish to make any changes after you have submitted your courses. Note: You will not be able to change your course selections in myBlueprint after this step. Please consult your Guidance Counsellor if you wish to make any changes after you have submitted your courses.
PRINT SIGN-OFF SHEET Congratulations! You’re done! Please print and return a signed copy of your Course Selection Sign-Off Sheet to your Counsellor or Teacher. Congratulations! You’re done! Please print and return a signed copy of your Course Selection Sign-Off Sheet to your Counsellor or Teacher.
HAVE QUESTIONS?? Read through the Choices at ESA & Choices guides. Make an appointment with your guidance counsellor. Visit ESA Website for guidance information and visit to research your options.