Welcome to South Iredell, an IB World School Matthew Reid / Diploma Programme Coordinator The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Why it works CAS, Extended Essay and TOK build adaptable, process-driven, problem-solvers; Colleges want these students on their campuses not only for the rigor, but because of the maturity and full development of the LPTs DP exams are not high-stakes tests; written / applied; nearly no multiple-choice components; offer student choice [A.P. contrast] International standard Globally competitive Coursework is directed by student choice as well as a prescribed curriculum
The Diploma Programme and its Hexagon Group 1: Language and Literature HL Group 2: Spanish / French SL or HL Group 3: History of the Americas and 20 th Century Topics HL likely adding Psychology Group 4: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry (all SL or HL) Group 5: Math Studies SL or Math SL Group 6: Visual Arts HL, an second science or a second language B
The formula for the Diploma Six courses x Seven-point scale (Combo of IA & EA) + ToK / EE (3) _________________ Possible total = = Diploma Students still receive credit for courses passed if the Diploma is not recieved.
Group 1: Language A Language and Literature (required) Assessment Guide
Group 2: Language B Students choose 1 or 2 from French SL, French HL, Spanish SL or Spanish HL, Assessment Guide
Group 3: Individuals and Societies History of the Americas and 20 th Century Topics HL (required) Assessment Guide
Group 3: Individuals and Societies Psychology Assessment Guide
Group 4: Experimental Sciences Students choose 1 or 2 of the following: Biology SL or HL, Chemistry SL or HL, Physics SL or HL, Biology Physics Chemistry
Group 5: Mathematics Students choose either: Math Studies SL Assessments Math SL Assessments
Group 6: Electives Visual Arts HL
CAS Pass or fail: All 8 learning outcomes have to be met. This must be completed by March of Status will be communicated by Sarah Hawkins
Extended Essay/TOK TOK assessed by externally assessed presentation and essay Extended Essay sent off and externally assessed Rubric for Extended Essay Point spread with TOK
Points Requirements The IB Diploma will be awarded to a candidate whose total score is 24, 25, 26 or 27 points, provided all the following requirements have been met. Numeric grades have been awarded in all six subjects registered for the IB Diploma. All CAS requirements have been met. Grades A (highest) to E (lowest) have been awarded for both Theory of Knowledge and an Extended Essay, with a grade of at least D in one of them. There is no grade 1 in any subject. There is no grade 2 at higher level. There is no more than one grade 2 at standard level. Overall, there are no more than three grades 3 or below. At least 12 points have been gained on higher level subjects (candidates who register for four higher level subjects must gain at least 16 points at higher level). At least 9 points have been gained on standard level subjects (candidates who register for two standard level subjects must gain at least 6 points at standard level). The final award committee has not judged the candidate to be guilty of malpractice.
Points Requirements The IB Diploma will be awarded to a candidate whose total score is 28 points or above, provided all the following requirements have been met. Numeric grades have been awarded in all six subjects registered for the IB Diploma. All CAS requirements have been met. Grades A (highest) to E (lowest) have been awarded for both Theory of Knowledge and an Extended Essay, with a grade of at least D in one of them. There is no grade 1 in any subject. There is no more than one grade 2 at higher level. There are no more than two grades 2 at standard level. Overall, there are no more than three grades 3 or below. At least 11 points have been gained on higher level subjects (candidates who register for four higher level subjects must gain at least 14 points at higher level). At least 8 points have been gained on standard level subjects (candidates who register for two standard level subjects must gain at least 5 points at standard level). The final award committee has not judged the candidate to be guilty of malpractice.
National Exam differential National Averages SAT overall = 1500 SAT maths = 514 SAT verbal = 497 SAT writing = 489 ACT overall = 21 Diploma Programme SAT overall = 1953 SAT maths = 654 SAT verbal = 649 SAT writing = 649 ACT overall = 29
“This two-year course offers a voyage toward self-discovery and multi-cultural appreciation. The student who chooses to embark on this journey receives a general map, as well as guidance, advice and encouragement. However, the roles of sailor, navigator and captain belong to the student alone. The distance traveled and the discoveries made rest upon the shoulders of each participant. -a DP student when asked about the value of the DP difference
A study at the University of Florida showed that IB students suffered less college “shock” than their non- IB peers in percentage drop of high-school grades. College prep dropped 28%. A.P. students dropped 21%. IB students dropped 13%.
At the College of William & Mary IB students consistently have higher G.P.A.s than the average of their non-IB peers.
Virginia Tech compared students who simply attended schools that had IB programmes and found that the IB environment created this stark of a contrast. Comparing student populations with G.P.A.s above 3.0 (a standard B) Student GroupPercent above 3.0 Non-IB / Non- A.P.33 A.P.41 Students at an IB school88 Student performance at Virginia Tech indicates that important positive attitudes toward learning are developed at IB high schools. These attitudes seem to apply even to students outside the IB programmes.
Why American parents choose DP South Side H.S. (Rockville Centre, N.Y.): 100 percent of its DP graduates completed their college degrees in four or less years compared to 39 percent as a national average. Only 54 percent of American college students complete their college degrees within six years (Chronicle of Higher Education). University of Pennsylvania: studied America’s “Highly Selective” and “Most Selective” universities as concluded that 59 percent of those schools gave preference in the admissions process to DP students. The State University of New York (Binghamton): recommended that students earning 30 or more points toward their DP diploma should get a full year of credit.
Student benefits of this Post-modern education As the “global population becomes more mobile,” there will be a demand for “balanced bilinguals who are highly proficient, literate and knowledgeable in two or more languages.” Employees of the next two decades must have “the ability to process and evaluate knowledge not just acquire it... Universities and employers are increasingly seeking to attract globally aware, adaptable learners who are able to apply and transfer their skills and knowledge to new contexts.” Source: Towards a Continuum of International Education
Student benefits (continued) The world is changing rapidly, requiring learners to anticipate the unknown and adapt to change, not just respond to it. Employment prospects increasingly require an ability to transfer skills and learning. Learning to work and solve problems collaboratively is becoming as important as learning to work individually. Developing self-confidence in learners, as well as academic competence, is essential of learners are going to be able to function effectively. Constructive critical thinking is a tool necessary for individual and collective survival; students must be able to distinguish sense from nonsense, propaganda from truth and make their own well-informed judgments Source: Towards a Continuum of International Education
The college acceptance value School IB Candidate rate Overall RateDifference Harvard University32%10%220% Yale University18%7%157% University of Miami72%30%140% Univ. of California –Berkeley58%26%123% Stanford University15%7%114% UCLA48%23%109% Brown University18%9%100% Princeton University16%8%100% University of Virginia64%32%100% UNC Chapel Hill63%32%97% University of Florida82%42%95% New York University57%30%90% Duke University28%16%75% Cornell University31%18%72% University of Pennsylvania24%14%71% Columbia University13%9%44% University of Michigan71%51%39% Please do not make this the only reason to pursue the DP. If this is all you seek, you will not get maximum value from the experience. This should be the cherry on top of a very large sundae. Strong correlation to our students at SIHS because 95 percent of respondents from U.S. public schools 84 percent accepted to their first-choice school 29 median score of group from 4171 students in 191 schools in 34 states Source: sourcesanddocumentlibrary/mor eresources/documents/GlobalDP DestinationSurveyUS.pdf
Useful dates May Exam Schedule xIKnUW03bldnaWZRNkE/edit?usp=sharin ghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byr0M2JR xIKnUW03bldnaWZRNkE/edit?usp=sharin g Internal assessment due dates xIKnY3l4aEJBVGh3SzA/edit?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byr0M2JR xIKnY3l4aEJBVGh3SzA/edit?usp=sharing
Fees for IB exams $151 registration $49 Postage $50 Lab fees $250 Total