The Standard Deviants University of California, Riverside *We would like to thank the Southern California Academic Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Math Achievement U.S. ranked 24 th in math scores across 29 nations Math achievement scores have been linked to Adult wages Subsequent educational attainment Problem behaviors Dropping out 26. Italy 27. Greece 28. Turkey 29. Mexico 21. Poland 22. Hungary 23. Spain 24. United States 25. Portugal
High School Dropout Dropout Rates In California, the statewide dropout rate is 20.1%. For the Los Angeles Unified School District, the dropout rate was 34.9%. Dropping has been linked to Lower income level Poor health Higher risk for unemployment Prison and death row
Ecological Framework Individual: School Enjoyment Importance of Grades Individual
Ecological Framework Peer: Peer Values Peer Dropout Individual Peer
Ecological Framework School: School Climate Individual Peer School
Research Questions Do individual, peer, and school factors have an influence on math achievement and high school dropout? Each of the factors will be related to math achievement and high school dropout
Research Questions Which factor has the strongest effect on math achievement and high school dropout? Proximal factors will have stronger effects on the outcomes than distal factors
Data Educational Longitudinal Study 2002 Nationally represented longitudinal study Base year: 10 th grade Follow-up year: 12 th grade Multilevel study
Participants N = 6988 Gender Females: 53% Males: 47% Ethnicity Asian American: 11% African American: 9% Latino: 12% European American: 68%
Individual Factors School Enjoyment How much do you like school? Importance of Grades How important are good grades to you?
Peer Factors Peer Values Among your close friends, how important is: Attending classes regularly, studying, getting good grades, finishing high school, continuing their education past high school Alpha =.84 Peer Dropout Altogether, how many of your close friends have dropped out of high school before graduating
School Factor School Climate 14 item scale Alpha =.77 Example items: Students get along well with teachers, There is real school spirit, Teachers are interested in students
Outcomes Math Achievement Cognitive Test Dropout Ever drop out of school?
Math Achievement
High School Dropout
Building an Ecology of School Success Primary Prevention Same factors influence multiple outcomes General prevention program Secondary Prevention Target peer influence