Introduction, Natural History and Pathogenesis of HIV infection Dr.K.Bujji Babu, MD. Consultant HIV Physician Bujjibabu HIV Clinic
HIV/AIDS Historical Milestones 1981First Report of AIDS, USA 1983Discovery of HIV 1984ELISA for HIV Developed 1986HIV-2 Identified, HIV & AIDS Reported in India 1987First Antiretroviral-ZDV Approved 1989Screening Blood Units Mandatory 1991First Report of HIV-2 in India 1994ZDV Reduces MTCT - ACTG 076. Protease Inhibitors Approved by FDA 1996Discovery of Chemokine Receptors 1998Short-term ZDV for MTCT CDC-Thai 1999 Nevirapine for MTCT- HIVNET 012
Genome of HIV
Life Cycle of HIV DS dna COMPLEX Protease
HIV Entry Mechanism 3c. Fusion Complete 1. CD4 Attachment 3b. coil-coil interaction CXCR4 CCR5 HIV gp120 3a. Anchorage CD4 2. Co-receptor interaction Cell HIV gp41 HIV Slide #10
HIV Fusion Inhibition by T-20 Source:
Molecular heterogeneity of HIV 1 Catagorized into 3 groups group M ( major ) : subtypes or clades A,B,C,D,F,G,H,J :CRFs AE,AG,AGI,AB group O ( outlier ) : group N
HIV-1 subtypes SUBTYPE C - PREDOMINANT India South Africa Ethiopia Botswana Tanzania Account for a third HIV infections in world SUBTYPE B - PREDOMINANT America’s Europe Australia & New Zealand Japan IDUs in Thailand, China, Myanmar Account for about a tenth of HIV infections world over.
HIV-1 Subtypes in India NARI & other data
Differences in HIV-1 & HIV -2 Amino Acid Homology is between 40-60% Majority of Infections are HIV-1 (~89%), HIV- 2 (2-4%) & remaining dual Reactivity in India Transmission by sex & MTCT less efficient Immunodeficiency develops slowly & milder NNRTI not active against HIV-2 HIV-2 mainly present in West African nations, prevalence rate more than 1%; now found all over the world
Transmission of HIV Sexual Injection drug users Blood and blood products Maternal transmission Occupational exposure
Body fluids which can transmit HIV Blood and bloody fluids Potentially infectious: semen, vaginal secretions, CSF, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, amniotic fluid or tissue CANNOT transmit: saliva, tears, sweat, non bloody urine or faeces
Per-contact risk estimate for sexual exposures with HIV+ and unprotected Anal receptive 0.8 – 3.2% Anal insertive 0.02 – 0.2% Vaginal receptive 0.05 – 0.15% Vaginal insertive 0.03 – 0.09% Oral receptive 0.04%
Risk of transmission following accidental needle injury Hepatitis B virus 6 – 30% Hepatitis C virus 0 – 7%(1.8%) HIV 0 – 0.3%
Typical course of HIV infected person
Entry through mucosal surface/blood Dendritic cells/macrophages Transport to regional lymph nodes CD4 cells infected
Characteristics of acute HIV infection Acute retroviral syndrome – 50-70% cases Fever,fatigue,rash,myalgia,pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy,night sweats, weight loss, candidiasis, oral ulcers etc. High viral RNA - mean 12 million copies/ml CD4 counts decline, CD8 counts rise
Entry of HIV into human cells CD4+ receptor CCR5 and CXCR-4 receptors Cells affected : - CD4+ lymphocytes, naïve and memory (latent pool) - Macrophages/monocytes -Tissues such as CNS, testes
Evasion of immune system control Mutation of virus CD8+ CTLs – deletion of initially expanded clones due to massive viral antigen exposure CD8+ CTLs – segregation in the peripheral blood Large pool of latently infected cells that cannot be eliminated by CD8+ CTLs
Generation of latently infected CD4+T cells
Latently infected cells A pool of latently infected CD4+T cells present in all HIV individuals Established early during the course of primary HIV infection Major obstacle to goal of eradication of virus
Persistent infection Viral latency is responsible for persistence of HIV HIV preferentially infects memory CD4 cells whose half-life varies from 6 to 43 months Even in patients whose viral load < 50 copies/ml for 5 years, this is detectable Transmission still occurs
Viral dynamics High levels of viral replication and destruction in plasma and lymph nodes Almost 10 billion virions produced every day In primary HIV infection viral population is relatively homogenous Later due to rapid replication and mutation a diverse population is produced - quasispecies
Viral dynamics Half life of circulating virion 30 min Productively infected CD4 cell – 1 day Large amount (app. 1 billion) of virus produced and cleared form circulation each day HIV1 replication cycle – 1.5 days
Dynamics of HIV infection in vivo
Viral ‘Set Point’ The level of viral load after seroconversion or virologic equilibrium between viral replication and immunologic containment of viral replication Higher the set point, more rapid is disease progression Within the first 6-12 months of infection Initiating antiretroviral therapy may alter the set point
Relationship between level of virus and rate of disease progression
Long term nonprogressors HIV infection > 10 years, CD4 cells normal range, stable over years and not received ART They have low viral burden, low level of viremia and normal immune function No qualitative abnormalities detected in the virus in most patients Small subset defect in nef gene Host factors : CCR5 – 32 deletion; CCR2 641 mutation; SDF1-3 mutation; RANTES – 28G mutation; maximal HLA heterozygosity of class 1 loci
Mechanism of immunosuppression Quantitative decrease in CD4+ cells Qualitative decrease in function: suboptimal responses to vaccines Apoptosis CD4+ maintained for years probably due to repletion rather than latent virus Decline by an average of cells/year without therapy
Immune responses to HIV Activation of HIV clones of CD4 T cells and subsequent loss CD8 cells rapidly increase in acute infection – kill infected cells and secrete chemokines Gradual failure -‘viral escape’ - HIV actually kills T cells - decreased production
Summary Primary HIV infection Early/middle stages of disease – clinical latency is not disease latency Advanced HIV disease – CD4 < 200 cells/ml Late-stage HIV disease – CD4 < 50 cells/ml