TEIS Process Overview Create TEISID StandardizeNoData ValidateGeometry ValidateDomains ValidateRange CreateErrorSummary Load data to Contractor Package.gdb templates Quality control the data Submit ‘clean’ data in gdb to MoE Optional: Index data Create Short Table and Project Boundaries FCs Summary of steps Available Scripts/Tools TEIS Data Submission ToolTEIS Data Submission Tool (website) CreateIndexes CreateShortTable CreateProjectBoundaries CompareFields CompareFieldsnoAlias Plan Project and request BAPID Complete TEI mapping project and capture data TEI Guidelines for developing a project plan TEI Mapping and Data Capture Standards & Contractor Pkge Validate Data
Loading new data to the.gdb Capture spatial data using your ‘usual’ tools and procedures Steps Python Scripts/Tools Populate a polygon attribute table using your ‘usual’ tools and procedures (e.g. Excel) Populate a project details table using your ‘usual’ tools (e.g. Excel) Load all the above to the Long Table and Project Details templates in the.gdb Long Table FC Project Details Table Go to QC steps TEIS Contractor Package contains: Long Table Template Project Details Template in the Operational.gdb
To import an existing coverage to the.gdb: Go to QC steps Import coverage to a blank.gdb Set tolerance to CompareFields or CompareFieldsnoAlias StandardizeNoData (also run later with QA tools) Steps Python Scripts/Tools Compare the imported fields to the current TEIS templates Fix Fields as necessary (e.g. create new fields to match Template Field name, data type, field length, etc. and recalculate values) Fix fields that should be blank (no data) but contain ‘0’ zeros Data is now in the TEIS standard.gdb
TEIS Quality Control Procedures: Steps Python Scripts/Tools Create a unique identifier for each Long Table record Check Geometry (of Long Table) Check for valid attributes (codes) Using the TEIS_ID (= Feature ID in error reports) Link the error reports and/or error summary table to Long Table, and work through fixing the invalid codes, etc. CreateTEISID StandardizeNoData ValidateGeometry ValidateDomains ValidateRows CreateErrorSummary Submit.gdb to MoE and/or do additional (optional) processing TEIS Data Submission Website Create a unique identifier for each Long Table record Check Geometry (of Long Table) Check for valid attributes (codes) (check domains and ranges) Create a summary of errors for each record in Long Table Error Checking Repeat this QC procedure until data is clean. ValidateData
Additional (optional) steps Note: If amalgamating multiple project datasets into one set of feature classes, re-create unique TEIS_ID’s first, then index the data and rerun QC routines and optional routines Note: CreateProjectBoundary requires an ArcInfo Licence level to run. StepsPython Scripts/Tools Summarize Long Table data to create label fields and pull out key attributes (e.g. for plotting or manual/visual review) Create a project boundary FC with project details Index the data (v. large datasets)CreateIndexes CreateShortTable CreateProjectBoundary Optional steps