Landscaping and Irrigation Standards
Purpose The landscaping of all areas of the community is intended to: provide visual relief and delight complement buildings and other structures provide transitional areas between potential competing land uses aid in reducing air pollution require little supplemental irrigation water once established provide an attractive environment for the enjoyment of the public
Landscaping Criteria All site development plans, except individual single-family dwellings, should include landscaping plans which have: –a unifying concept –landscape materials appropriate to the site, structures and the neighborhood –plant selections appropriate for the local climate.
Irrigation Plan Specifications Irrigation systems shall be designed to be: –efficient in water consumption –Incorporate water conservation measures
Plantings along Commercial Developments At least 2 street trees are required for each 100 feet of street frontage or fraction thereof. Street trees shall have an expected 50% street cover canopy within 10 years of being planted.
Screening Screening is provided to buffer a building or activity from neighboring areas or from the street and shall: –Be landscaped with plant materials. –Have a minimum 10’ landscaped setback –Have plants of varied heights
Parking Area Parking areas shall : –have a minimum of 5-foot wide planting areas with landscaping when abutting the street –have landscaped planters with 1 tree for every 10 parking spaces in interior lots –Have a strip of planting between parking lots and buildings
Trees and Shrubs All trees shall: –be installed with root barrier/deep root planter to help protect surrounding hardscape while encouraging deep root formation. –shall be healthy and vigorous The use of more than one type of tree is recommended in order to minimize the chance of being destroyed by disease.
Drought Tolerant Plants Being that turf grass requires several times more water than native plants, wherever possible turf should be replaced with drought-tolerant plants in order to reduce the significant water demands of outdoor landscaping.