MICE and City Marketing 邱佩珊 Faro 黃郁庭 Tina 林依璇 Berry
Motivation Attracting clients to exhibitions in HK local—organizing shows and platforms for exchange Global—consigning agencies to attract marketers Inter-city collaboration HKTDC’s Taiwan office agent invites companies to HK fairs
HKTDC services Before—registration on the internet guarantees advertising During—exchange between buyer and seller After—new partnerships Pay for publication, get more partners! 線上平台提 供產品目錄 及廠商諮詢
Nanjing Initiative Advantage Outstanding economic competitiveness among Chinese cities Top investment environment among Chinese cities 131 star-quality hotels, 15 5-star hotels Well-spread transportation systems reach 40 major cities in China 南京華新世博展覽公司 2009 南京台灣名品交易會
Plans and Services: Offering support and incentive to industries that host their events in Thai cities Incentives include flexible discounts and bonuses depending on size of event, type of hotels, and nature of activities Sponsorship for small-size groups Special privilege in clearing customs Thai Iniative
Welcoming package size of groupbonus for travel agencies or associations and organizations welcoming package for participants Over 2050,000 bahts30,000 bahts Over 3080,000 bahts45,000 bahts Over 40120,000 bahts60,000 bahts TCEB’s welcoming package is worth 1,500 Bahts/person, accepted at tourist attractions and facilities and performances in Bangkok such as admission tickets. Applicable to firms from China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan only.
Advantages and Disadvantages in Thai MICE advantagedisadvantage (1)Adequate tourist and venue facilitiesNo related education programs in local universities (2) star-quality lodging at moderate prices (3) Tourist bureau offers suggestions for venue and tour arrangements Future Prospects Regional Union: Faced with the rise of China, Thai MICE industries are collaborating with other Asian nations in promoting Asian MICE industries
Taipei Taipei city government collaborates with MICE industries in promoting the city Taipei Bureau of Tourism subsidizes agencies and institutions in organizing international conferences, exhibitions
Taichung Taichung city collaborates with industries to promote the city Taichung Information Bureau publishes to that purpose
Taichung Promotional DVD
Tainan County Government quite aggressive in promoting MICE industry and publishes pamphlets to advertise Bureau of Tourism and MICE industries work hand in hand
C ITY M ARKETING 廖翎 Lisa 呂慧勤 Cynthia Competition in exhibition plans
HSINCHU 明新科技大學 設計主軸: 客家傳統花鼓節 宣傳方式:嘉年華會 踩街 重現花鼓隊隊員花鼓隊隊員造型 ( 指揮 )
中國文化大學 設計主軸 : 新埔鎮文化 宣傳方式 : 柿餅試吃 體驗花布之美客家花布為背景的攤位
TAINAN 台南 南台科技大學 設計主軸 : 府城風華 宣傳方式 : 春行府城一日遊 台南美食試吃 ← 台南美食地圖 人文風景明信片 ↓
台南立德大學 設計主軸 : 台南自然生態之美 宣傳方式 : 黑面琵鷺 live 秀 綠色環保概念的攤位設計
KAOHSIUNG 高雄 義守大學 - 結合會展與觀光渡假的大學城 大學城 會展住宿娛樂購物