DOMINO Equipping Solutions An Introduction
What we can offer you All our services will be tailored to suit your requirements Select individual elements or the total package Involvement at all stages of the development
The Domino Team Director Director Director Robert Duggan Angus McLean Timea Oscar (Based in Bucks) (Based in Newcastle) (Based in NW London) Associate Director Associate Director Jane Hockley Harry Dowdell (Based in Essex) (Based in Harrogate) Admin Support I T Specialist June Peet Paul Dodd (Based in Middlesex) (Based in Northants) Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant ) Jane Cronin Mike Craven Sheila Butcher Roy Bradbury (Based in Kent) (Based in Lancs) (Based in Essex) (Based in Lancs) Consultant Consultant Consultant Neil Toomey Andrew Gammie Sheena Burrus (Based in Bristol) (Based in Wilts) (Based in Herts)
Our Services – Initial Stages Assistance with Business Cases Budget Preparation Creation of room data sheets Liaison with project team, consortium, building contractor, architects, interior designers etc
Transfer Audits Audit areas identified for relocation Assess suitability of transfer items and generate reports on the condition of equipment All items logged with origin locations Cross match transfer equipment to room schedules Identify items for disposal/resale etc
The Equipping Stage Prepare and cost room schedules Generate equipment specifications User consultations - define exact requirements Prepare OJEC & Tender documentation Organise equipment trials where appropriate Evaluation of tenders & quotations Product knowledge & sourcing
Procurement Negotiation with suppliers Initiate purchase orders or requisitions as applicable Liaison with other departments i.e. EBME, Infection Control, Manual Handling etc Assist in the arrangement of leasing agreements Negotiate maintenance contracts
ESP – Our Software System Equipping, Scheduling & Purchasing Creation of room data sheets All details relating to scheme – name, dept and room name & number, location etc Room by room scheduling Equipment listed by code number, description, quantity, group, unit and total cost Transfer items incorporated into schedule to provide a definitive requirements list Consolidated reports to provide total quantities of items
ESP - continued Database with supplier information Generates purchase orders and requisitions Safeguard system to avoid any duplication of orders Delivery schedules & distribution list Reports in various output formats Flexibility in providing specially tailored reports for individual projects Database continually updated
Logistics & Move Management Be part of the Commissioning Team Preparation of delivery schedules in line with the occupancy/project plan Manage all deliveries and distribution of items to the appropriate locations Co-ordinate any required commissioning with suppliers and testing of equipment with the client’s bio medical department If appropriate, manage all off site storage requirements
Logistics & Move Management Move programming and planning Prepare and evaluate tender for removal services Production and distribution of move guidelines and instruction packs Staff briefing on the move Create numbering and colour coded labelling system for all moves/areas Manage the removals on site including co- ordination of any specialist moves
Major PFI Projects completed:- Barnet Hospital South Manchester University Hospital Great Western Hospital Kings College Hospital West Middlesex University Hospital Calderdale Hospital, Halifax North Durham University Hospital Central Middlesex Hospital James Cook University Hospital Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool Queens Park Hospital, Blackburn Churchill Hospital, Oxford
Our Commitment Domino Equipping Solutions guarantee total commitment to your project and our experienced individuals will work with you and your team to provide the highest standard of service at the best value for money.
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