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T ONIGHT ’ S A GENDA Introduction to Course Selection The Course Selection Guide How Scheduling Works at East Pennsboro
I NTRODUCTION TO C OURSE S ELECTION High School Schedule Graduation Requirements GPA and Class Rank
E AST P ENNSBORO H IGH S CHOOL C OUNSELING D EPARTMENT Ms. Hillary Nimtz (A – F and Vo-Tech) Mrs. Christina Zeller(G – O) Mr. Adam Oldham(P – Z) Ms. Sabrina ConleyCounseling Secretary
H IGH S CHOOL S CHEDULE 5 Academic Periods Lunch/Activity Period Flex Period 3 Trimesters 6 Marking Periods 7:20Teachers Report 7:27 Warning Bell for Students 7:30-8:38Period 1 8:42-9:49Period 2 9:53-11:00Period 3 11:04-11:341 st Lunch/Activity 11:38-12:082 nd Lunch /Activity 12:12-1:19Period 4 1:23-2:30Period 5 2:34-3:05Flex Period
G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS Core Courses (16 credits) English5 credits Social Studies4 credits Science3 credits Math4 credits Required Classes (3.5 credits) PE/Living Skills2 credits Computers0.5 credits FSC/Tech Ed0.5 credits Careers/Drivers Ed0.5 credits Electives (7.5 credits) 27 TOTAL CREDITS TO GRADUATE 7.5 Credits Each Year Core Courses Required Classes Electives Credit Prerequisite Courses
GPA AND G RADING S CALE 93 –100Excellent (A)3.6 – – 92Good (B)2.6 – –84Average (C)1.6 – –76Below Average (D)0.8 – 1.5 Below 70Failing (F)< 0.7
GPA AND C LASS R ANK All quality points are added together and then divided by the total number of credits. The resulting GPA is used to determine class rank. East Pennsboro uses a weighted class rank.
T HE C OURSE S ELECTION G UIDE The Basics Scheduling Information Course Descriptions
T HE B ASICS The Course Selection Guide has been redesigned to be more user friendly for students and parents Three Main Sections Course Selection Information (pages 1-11) Course Descriptions (pages 12-54) Cumberland-Perry Area Vocational Technical School Information (pages 55-66)
C OURSE S ELECTION AND S CHEDULING I NFORMATION All information we went over earlier is found in this section Explaining Schedule Changes 1 Week to Adjust Trimester 1 Classes 2 Weeks to Adjust Trimester 2 and 3 Classes NO Dropping Honors/AP Classes after the End of This School Year (due to summer work) NO Changes Based on Teacher Preferences
L EVELS OF R IGOR Honors Academic General / Applied
C AREER E XPLORATION : E LECTIVE C HOICES Science Electives Chemistry Biology Ecology Physics Foreign Language Electives Spanish, French, and German Business and Computer Electives Accounting, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Law Working with Computer Programs (Office, Adobe, HTML) Careers II
C AREER E XPLORATION : E LECTIVE C HOICES Art and Music Electives Art I, Drawing and Painting, 2D/3D Design Music Theory, Theatre Arts, Band and Chorus Industrial Technology Electives Woodworking, Engine Theory, CAD, Auto Tech Family and Consumer Science Electives Food Science and Nutrition, Breads and Pastries Relationships and Family, Sewing and Fashion Design
H OW C OURSE S ELECTION W ORKS AT E AST P ENNSBORO Course Selection Process Course Selection Sheets
C OURSE S ELECTION P ROCESS Class Meetings with School Counselors Course Selection Guide Individual Course Selection Sheets Teacher Recommendations Advisement from School Counselors Course Selection Night Parent Conversations and Signatures Inputting Course Selections into Scheduling System
C OURSE S ELECTION S HEETS Course History Teacher Recommendations All Core Courses require a teacher signature Certain Electives require a teacher signature Selecting Alternate Electives Students MUST select 4 alternative electives, as the computer will otherwise select whatever is available Parent Signatures Student Signature
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