Wrapping Our Heads Around the Extended Standards Dublin City Schools Alternate Assessment & Extended Standards Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

Wrapping Our Heads Around the Extended Standards Dublin City Schools Alternate Assessment & Extended Standards Committee

Alternate Assessment and Extended Standards Committee Purpose: 1) To streamline communication and disseminate information from the Ohio Department of Education to you 2) To provide professional development on the extended standards and Alternate Assessment to staff across the district 3) To support staff throughout the Alternate Assessment process

Committee Members Katje Bowers, IS at Karrer MS Kim Lewis, IS at Grizzell MS Lisa Orem, IS at Thomas Elementary Kristie Stuber, IS at Grizzell MS (and Vizzle Teacher of the Year!) Megan Tucker, IS at Sells MS Melissa Klosterman-Lando, Student Services Coordinator

Let it ALL out! What do you loathe about the extended standards?

Look on the bright side… What are positives about the extended standards?

Welcome to our Wiki! Alternate Assessment & Extended Standards Wiki Extended Standards and Activities Template Interactive Message Board Key ideas Ask questions Share resources

How to join our Wiki… You will receive an invitation from Kim Lewis via If you have or have used a wiki it will automatically come up IF NOT: Choose Dublin City Schools Staff from dropdown box Put in last name_first name Enter in first class password Go to My Wikis and select Alternate Assessment From this point forward…bookmark aascd.wiki.dublinschools.net

Extended Standards and Activities Template Extended Standards Common Core or Ohio Academic Content Standards Leveled Activities/Tasks, Accommodations and Assistive Technology

Sample Extended Math Standard Activity G.68.2c: Find the area of figures by counting unit squares Level A Count unit squares in figures on worksheets to find area (such as how many tiles are needed to replace a bathroom floor, or the size of a back yard to mow the lawn) Level B Count unit squares in a shape using 1:1 correspondence (such as how many carpet squares will fit on the floor in a small room) Level C Use a switch to count the number of blocks needed to fill a shape (such as how many mini cereal boxes can fit in a cardboard box)

Sample Social Studies Extended Standard Activity GEO.68.4c Locate on a map the route between two locations Level A Google earth from home to a common destination. Which route is shorter/longer? Using mapquest, directions from home to a common destination. Which route is shorter/longer? Level B Find map of common destinations. Draw line from entrance to desired location. Draw line on map from home to common destination Level C Route from classroom to bathroom Route from classroom to specials classes Route to specific department in grocery store

Sample Science Extended Standard Activities LS Make family tree Level A ID traits that are different in each generation ID traits that are similar in each generation Using the vocabulary given to explain how the traits are passed down by generation Level B ID parents and one generation ID traits that are similar in those generations Level C Use pictures to identify something that is similar in one generation (ie. Hair color, eye color)

Sample English Language Arts (ELA) Extended Standard Activities RL.35.1 Inferential & Literal Questions Level A After completing a story, create a fill in the blank sentence game to answer questions based on passage. Give large word bank for students to fill in correct answer Level B After completing a story, create a fill in the blank sentence game to answer questions based on passage. Give a word bank of 3 words to fill in bla nk Level C After completing a story, create a fill in the blank sentence game to answer questions based on passage. Give a choice of 3 pictures or use communication device to answer questions

What we know about the newly revised Alternate Assessment… It has a new name! Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Decision Framework is the same as previous years No longer a collection of evidence. It is an assessment to be completed within a window of time. Staff must attend training at the ESC this winter in order to be a “Test Administrator” Ethics of the assessment are of the utmost importance

The Assessment is all in the presentation… How do you present your lessons and instruction to students? Are you scaffolding in the say / do format? Here is a ____. Look at / touch the ___.

You have a choice of directives… “Show me” or “Tell me”… it’s up to you! Make a choice about how your student best responds and be consistent with that mode of response. “Tell me” The child responds verbally with their response “Show me” The student responds physically with the response mode that works for them

Just remember… It’s up to you to decide which response mode you want your student to use. Then practice, practice, practice your delivery style in as many ways as possible. Instruct your Instructional Paraprofessionals on the delivery mode and have them practice in ALL settings! It’s all about your style and the student’s response mode

Assistive Technology Communication Devices Switches Picture Symbols Word Processor Alternate Keyboard Modified Keyboard Magnification Low Tech items Pointer AT items should be something the student is currently using to access the curriculum. In addition, these items must be listed in the student’s IEP.

ALLOWABLE ACCOMMODATIONS Sign Language Picture Symbols Communication Devices Increase or Decrease Size Rehearse movement needed for response, use object to point. Accommodations can NOT alter the INTENT of the response (i.e. you can NOT lead them to a response) and should be used COMMONLY in the student’s instruction ETHICAL USE of TESTS p 26-31, Directions for Administration Manual Spring 2013 for the Alternate Assessment forStudents with Signficant Cognitive Disabilities

Alternate Assessment Portal

Reflection and Moving Forward It’s the first year of the assessment and the extended standards. Do the best that you can!