To prevent and cure problems
Pre-university education 12 – 18 years Pre-vocational training 12 – 16/17/18 years Different levels. Primary school4-12 years Pre-school period 0 – 4 years
Primary schools must accept every pupil who wants to visit the school. When primary schools cannot give the pupil the care needed, they look with the parents for another school that càn give the care needed. Very special schools for pupils with physical disability and very great educational problems are to be paid by the primary schools. A network of primary schools will be lumpsum financed for special pupils.
Primary School 1 Primary School 2 Primary School 3 Primary School 4 Primary School 5 Primary School 16 Special Primary School Primary School for physical disability Primary School for very educational problems Primary School 6 Primary School 15 Primary School 7 Primary School 14 Primary School 8 Primary School 13 Primary School 12 Primary School 11 Primary School 10 Primary School 9 Blind Deaf
Thank you for your attention
Special Primery School Didactical and pedagogical problems First: to help the primery school When problems are to large: pupils go to the special primery school
Age between 4 till 13 years Great difference in problems: - low intelligence -particular learning difficulties, like dyslexie, - mental disorders, like autism and autism spectrum disorders - ADHD and ADD, ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) - Several other problems
Basic groups: * 4 – 7 years: OB, * 6 – 10 years: MB, * 10 – 13 years: BB Basic group: not the age but what the children need are leading by making a group
Groups with identical levels: * teachnical reading, mathematics and writing Basic group: * geografy, history, fysics, biology, gymnastic, social skills, creative subjects
120 pupils, age 4-13 years Two directors Internal companion Twelve teachers One teacher-assistent Remedial teacher, reading Remedial teacher, socila education Psychologist Social worker Talk-therapist Three physical therapists Music teacher Two administrative workers Specialists for reading External companions
The pupil comes to the peelhorst school After 6 weeks: teacher, psychologist, and internal companion make a future-plan Two times a year: pupils make tests Two times a year: speaking with the parents Spaking about the results of the group, teacher and internal companion, several times a year Once a year all teachers look after de future plan
All people at school