October 14 th, 6-7:30 pm
It is our hope that the feedback received from tonight’s meeting will guide the work of the ISSRC Subcommittee on Special Education. Additionally, the feedback we receive from this meeting will need to be considered in terms of fiscal and human resources, negotiated contracts, school board policy, and compliance with state/federal regulations for public schools.
Activities will be structured to encourage participation and allow your voice to be heard regarding: ◦ Strengths/Successes that need continued support; ◦ Areas of needed Improvement/Development. Activities will involve: ◦ Individual Think Time (white worksheet) ◦ Small Group Discussion around “common denominators” (blue worksheet) ◦ Large Group Sharing
The purpose of the Instructional Support Services review is to: ◦ analyze the continuum of services and its effectiveness; ◦ make recommendations for improving current services and practices. The purpose of this meeting is to identify parent perspectives regarding ◦ positive attributes of current services and practices; ◦ areas needing improvement.
Development and implementation of a district-wide Response to Intervention (RTI) ◦ Subcommittees on RTI K-6 and 7-12 have also been established Recommendations specific to Special Education (aka Level 3 of RTI) include: ◦ Continue with alignment of instructional materials district-wide ◦ Ensure and document the provision of specially designed instruction ◦ Create student independence and prepare students to be future ready ◦ Development of learning strategies instruction and supports ◦ Consider use of more comprehensive electronic Evaluation/IEP system Professional development around instructional materials/strategies for Levels 2 and 3 Periodic job-alike meetings and coaching/consultation to support efforts to build integrated supports (RTI) Provide frequent and consistent communication of information regarding ISS review committee and subcommittee work Adapted from PSESD presentation to School Board on 09/25/14
New Curriculum for Special Education Circle of Friends Training on Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking and Zones of Regulation Wings – Autism Spectrum Disorder Services Behavioral support classrooms Staff specifically trained to work with key populations Updated facilities (Ordway) to support key programs Consultants working with district on Mental Health Vision Services (contracted TVI and O&M services) Enhanced AAC/Assistive Technology; SLP with expertise in augmentative assistive communication (AAC) Homework clubs expanded across buildings/district
Think about your child and other students with special needs on Bainbridge Island. Using the worksheet provided, please note what you perceive are strengths and successes that you believe should be sustained, and areas of improvement and development.
Form small groups of 4 to 5 participants. Discuss with your group the strengths and successes, and areas of improvement and development that you identified. As a group, determine the common denominators of Successes/Strengths and Improvement/Development, and note these on the blue worksheet. Identify a speaker for your group to share out at least one of your group’s common denominators
Each group will share the common denominators. Common denominators will be listed on wall paper. Gallery Walk – You will have an opportunity to identify your top 3 priorities on these lists. If you have additional comments, please feel free to write these on the bottom and/or back of the white or blue worksheets.
Your input will be used by the Special Education Subcommittee and the ISS Review Committee to establish priorities for short- term and long-term action planning. Thank you for your participation in tonight’s meeting.