Unit one College life
2 Guidance to listen and talk about meeting on campus Information on education in U.S. & Canada Learning at college and university Extra-curriculum activities on U.S. college & university campus New words and expressions Practice forming compound & complex sentences and practical writing Broaden their horizon in education in U.S. & U.K. Objectives
3 Teaching Arrangement Pre-reading (0.5 period) Reading (2.5 periods) After Reading (0.5 period) Writing (0.5 period)
5 Introduction of the topic Levels of education in U.S. & Canada College study Essay-type questions Learning strategies Extra-curriculum activities on campus Topics on campus
6 Levels of education in U.S. & Canada(1) Education in the United States and Canada is divided into the following levels at the indicated ages: Primary Education Pre-school ages 2 – 6 Elementary School ages Secondary Education Junior High School ages 12 – 14 High School ages Post Secondary Education Junior College ages Year College ages Graduate School ages (MA) Graduate School ages (PH.D.) /8 Post Graduate after PH.D.
7 College study have many choices about the subjects they study, their class schedule, and the teachers of their classes. create a schedule that is most suitable for them. fulfill the requirements of their degree. carry most of the responsibility for managing their academic life.
8 Essay-type questions These are also called discussion questions, because the student is expected to discuss a topic and provide facts, reasons, examples, etc. to support the answer, with the grade depending mainly on how well the answer is supported not just on the student's opinion.
9 Learning strategies(1) interact with other people get ready to introduce yourself in a positive way make the most of it
10 Learning strategies(2) freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, fellow students, class students, school students, students at home, international students. students
11 Learning strategies(3) teaching staff teacher tutor advisor professor
12 Learning strategies(4) books library laboratory online resources
13 Extra-curriculum activities on campus student government the newspaper staff outdoor club chorus dance a number of athletic teams student association
14 Listening Directions: Listen to the passage with blanks in the unit and try to fill in the missing words.
15 1.spend 2.golden 3.explore 4.experience 5.lifelong 6.various 7.develop 8.scholars 9.lay 10.open Keys: Possible explanations:
17 Passage A --- So Much to Learn warming up --- a brief introduction of education in U.S. & Canada, cultural notes global comprehension of the text --- the style, the structure, the general idea detailed study of the text --- language points translation practice classroom activity
18 Grading systems in the U.S. use letter grades like A, B, C, D, F use plus or minus like B- or C+ compute students' averages they say A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0 takes an average of 2.0 to graduate take 5 or occasionally 6 courses per semester takes between 120 and 130 credits to graduate A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60, but this may be up to the professor.
19 Cultural notes --- types of examination questions in the US and the UK the two main types of examination questions multiple choice and essay blank-filling and matching consist of 50 multiple choice questions for one point each and two essay questions for 25 points each.
20 Global comprehension of the text --- the structure, the general idea (1) part 1 (para1---3) the students’ feelings about the final exam before they took it. confidence assurance felt ready & able to conquer the world felt it would be a snap
21 Global comprehension of the text --- the structure, the general idea (2) part 2 (para ) the change of the students’ feeling about the exam no longer looked confident a frightened expression no one spoke not a hand was raised
22 Global comprehension of the text --- the structure, the general idea (3) part 3 (para ) the professor’s words about the result of the exam Why did the professor set such a test paper? To make the students come to know that there is so much for them to learn even though they had finished their college education.
23 Global comprehension of the text --- the structure, the general idea (4) part 4 (para10) The writer’s feeling about the professor and her lesson The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught.
24 Detailed study of the text --- language points (1) 1. huddle v. to (cause to ) crowd together, in a group eg:(offering examples) 1) The flood victims were cold so they huddled together for warmth that night. 2) He lay huddled amongst his blankets in bed, his knees almost touching his chin.
25 Detailed study of the text --- language points (2) 2. due a. (showing arrangements made in advance ) expected; supposed (to) eg:(ask students to make two sentences) 1) The next train to London is due here at 4 o‘clock. 2) The plane that was due to arrive at 10 has been delayed for 2 hours by a heavy fog.
26 Detailed study of the text --- language points (3) 3. file into v. to march or walk in a single line in the specified direction file out of v. eg:(ask students to translate the two sentences) 1) 观众们涌进运动场时,发现流行乐团已经到了。 As the audience filed into the stadium, they found the pop group was already there. 2) 音乐会结束后,走出体育场的观众发现已经开始下雪 了 。 When the audience filed out of the stadium after the concert was over, they found it had started to snow.
27 Detailed study of the text --- language points (4) look 4. survey v. to look at, examine or consider ( a person, place or condition ) as a whole eg: (offering examples) 1) You can survey the countryside from the top of the hill. 2) The fighter surveyed his enemy for any weakness.
28 Detailed study of the text --- language points (5) 5. shift v. to change position or direction; to move from one place to another eg: (ask students to translate the two sentences) 1) 当保罗发现老师正在对全班念他的作文时,他开始坐立 不安。 When Paul found that the teacher was reading his composition to the class, he began to shift uncomfortably in his seat. 2) 原来刮的南风已转成北风了。 The wind which was blowing from the south has shifted to the north.
29 Detailed study of the text --- language points (6) 6. impress upon v. to make the importance of (sth.) clear to somebody else eg: (ask students to make two sentences) 1) The professor impressed upon his students the importance of learning how to learn at college. 2) His songs are strongly impressed on my memory.
30 Detailed study of the text --- language points (7) 7. obscure v. to hide; to make difficult to see or understand eg: (offering examples) 1) The moon was obscured by clouds. 2) His fame was obscured by the fame of his wife.
31 Detailed study of the text --- language points (8) 8. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering seniors huddled, discussing the exam due to begin in a few minutes: (paraphrase for reference) A group of engineering seniors gathered together on the steps of one building. They were discussing the exam which was going to begin in a few minutes.
32 Detailed study of the text --- language points (9) 9. 1) On their faces was confidence 2) On their faces was a frightened expression ( Analyze the structure. These are two inverted sentences )
33 Detailed study of the text --- language points (10) 10. Some talked of jobs they already had; others of jobs they would get. (paraphrase for reference) Some talked about jobs they had already had; others talked about the jobs they would get. (Analyze the structure. Notice the usage of the structure.) some..., others..., still others... eg: On weekends, college students have various kinds of activities. Some go to their part-time jobs; others to cinemas and theaters; and still others to the gymnasium to exercise themselves.
34 Detailed study of the text --- language points (11) 11. 1) With all this assurance of four years of college study, they felt ready and able to conquer the world: (paraphrase for reference) Four years of study at college had given them the confidence in their ability and power. They thought they were ready and able to gain control over whatever they would do after graduating from college. 2) No one spoke as the professor faced the class with the papers in her hand. (Analyze the structure. Notice the usage of the word-with.)
35 Detailed study of the text --- language points (12) 12. 1) I just want to impress upon you that, even though you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you don't know. (paraphrase for reference) I just want to make you remember that, even if you have finished four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you don't know. 2) And their smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay-type questions. (Analyze the structure. Notice the usage of the structure.)
36 Translation practice (1) 1. 自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写 信了。 (no longer) Reference: 1)He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone. 2)He has not written to his friends any longer/more ever since he got a mobile phone.
37 Translation practice (2) 2. 尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网 (surf the Internet) ,了 解这个领域的最新动态。 (even though) Reference: 1) Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field. 2) Although he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field. 3) Very busy as he is, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet in order to know about the latest developments in this field.
38 Translation practice (3) 3. 李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个简短的讲话, 他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中。 (impress upon) Reference: Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement. His words were / What he said was strongly impressed upon my memory.
39 Translation practice (4) 4. 讲到期末考试,学生们一点儿都不紧张, 他们满脸都是自信。 (confidence) Reference: 1)Talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all. There was full confidence on every one's face. 2) Talking of the final exams, the students were not nervous at all. On their face was full confidence.
40 Translation practice (5) 5. 在 30 分钟内写出一篇约 100 个词的短文,对 于他们班大多数学生来说不过是小菜一碟。 (snap) Reference: To write a short passage of about 100 words in 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class.
41 Classroom activity (students are required to retell the main idea of the text in group with the help of the following points) have mastered quite a lot of information have little experience in using the information. discover how much they still have to learn make this clear to the students graduation is sometimes called “commen- cement”
42 Assignments doing the exercises in the book doing more reading on the university web writing a short passage preparing for Passage B (try to understand the general idea and find out valuable language points to learn) getting familiarized with the dialogues
43 Passage B --- Wish for the Freshman Year reading skills---reading with a purpose (skimming:obtain a general impression of what we are reading;scanning:locate a particular piece of information) global comprehension of the text summary of the text
44 Reading skills --- Skimming/Scanning read the title of the text read the first two paragraphs read the first sentence of each of the other paragraphs read the final paragraph look for key words (apply the skills in reading passage B)
45 Global comprehension of the text (1) 1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs? The author was less eager to graduate than his classmates because he valued his college life and wished it would not have to end.
46 Global comprehension of the text (2) 2. How does the author feel about his college life before graduation? The author feels that this college life is fun and exciting.
47 Global comprehension of the text (3) 3. What was he thinking about while he was taking a walk on campus? The four years of his college life.
48 Global comprehension of the text (4) 4. What is the main idea of the passage? The author cherishes college life and is thus reluctant to graduate.
49 Summary of the text no parents around make all decisions a real career give some guidance set either a good or a bad example never have such an opportunity again
51 Important points to be kept in mind (1) approach broaden commencement conquer huddle obscure shift survey senior amuse cherish contemplate freshman involve recapture reminisce sophomore torture queasy lousy turmoil convince surround lifelong lifetime commit- ment
52 Important points to be kept in mind (2) file into/out of impress upon no longer pass out be involved in at the idea of come to feel like look back(on) turn back turn out
53 Important points to be kept in mind (3) assure---assurance broad---broaden confident---confidence impress---impression shift(v.)---shift(n.) survey(v.)---survey(n.) amuse---amusement commit---commitment deny---denial excite---excitement fail---failure involve---involvement
54 Talking On the basis of serious thinking of the questions prior to the two texts and information gained in all the materials, talk in pair about the college life from this unit Use the words and expressions in the unit as many as possible
56 Writing --- general Refer to the textbook and get familiarized with the compound and complex sentences. They are required to make compound and complex sentences one by one orally in class
57 Writing --- practical Refer to the textbook to fill in the registration forms and write name cards, ( checking if the students have difficulty in doing it, maybe, just one or two points need to be cleared)
58 Assignments doing the exercises of Passage B getting more familiarized with the words and expressions related to learning at the university, college life, etc.