Neil Defty, Secondary Systems Programme Manager New Developments from CEM London, January 2011
Entrance Assessment
GetINTU Computer based –Verbal reasoning –Numerical reasoning –Non-verbal reasoning Off the shelf Paper Tests Bespoke Takes 2-3 years to fully develop the content and service for an entirely new system
Entrance Assessment Feedback Feedback is simple and provides the ability to rank your candidates. A total score and sub-scores are provided. No national norms are available.
For more information… assessment GetINTU demo:
Using MidYIS Individual Pupil Records (IPRs) to Inform Teaching and Learning
MidYIS IPRs Booklet Individual Pupil Record sheets are an integral and informative part your school's MidYIS feedback. They allow pupils' strengths and weaknesses on the baseline assessment to be easily viewed and interpreted.
MidYIS IPRs Booklet Using examples of classic IPR scenarios this new research document provides guidance and advice gained during our work with schools, enabling you to make the most of your data.
MidYIS IPRs Booklet Guidance included on: Pupils with high or low scores across all test components Pupils with significant differences between component scores Case Studies Using the IPRs to inform teaching and learning Confidence Limits
To download a free copy…
INSIGHT & SOSCA Curriculum-based KS3 assessments, pupil profiling and much more…
INSIGHT & SOSCA Which system? Both INSIGHT & SOSCA systems provide: Curriculum Based Assessments: Maths, Science, Reading at end Year 9 Standardised Scores GCSE Predictions and Chances Graphs Value Added Measures Plus INSIGHT provides: Comprehensive Profiling System Developed Ability Measures Predictions based on two baselines (like ALIS av. GCSE and TDA) Key Stage 3 Equivalent Levels and Sub Levels Attitudinal Measures
Additionally for INSIGHT: Developed - Vocabulary, Ability Non verbal, Skills - Attitudinal measures Curriculum-based assessments covering: Maths - Number & Algebra - Handling Data - Space, Shape & Measurement Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, - Attitudes to Science Reading - Speed Reading - Text Comprehension - Passage Comprehension The Assessments
Demonstration versions available. Or In the meantime, here’s a flavour… The Assessments
The Assessments: Maths
The Assessments: Science Plus Attitude to Science: Perception of Science, Relevance to Self, Environmental Actions, Enjoyment of Science
The Assessments: Reading - Text Comprehension
The Assessments: Reading - Passage Comprehension
The Assessments: Reading – Speed Reading
Assessments: Developed Ability (INSIGHT)
Feedback: Scores Assessment feedback presented as standardised score or KS3 equivalent sub levels
Feedback: IPRs Also available as KS3 equivalent (sub) levels (INSIGHT)
Feedback: Cohort Level (INSIGHT) Standardised scores summary
Predictions Feedback Predictions available based on: - Curriculum measures - Developed Ability measures
Predictions: Chances Graphs
Value Added: Scatter Charts Identify: over performance under performance keeping up with others
Value Added: Subject Performance KS4: from INSIGHT/SOSCA to GCSE KS3: from MidYIS to INSIGHT/SOSCA (as applicable) Value Added ASR Charts
INSIGHT & SOSCA Curriculum-based KS3 assessments, pupil profiling and much more… INSIGHT & INSIGHT Core Curriculum-based KS3 assessments, pupil profiling and much more… Rebranding for 2011 testing…
For more information…