CAREER & TRANSFER PLANNING WORKSHOP Presented by The Career & Transfer Center
What does the Career & Transfer Center do? 2
The Career & Transfer Center Services Career Counseling: Career Assessments, Job search, Resume/cover letter and interviewing skills Transfer Counseling Cooperative Education & Internship Program College Work-Study Placement Nursing Credential Program Computer lab and resource center Job Connection: Events, fairs and workshops Visit our website at for information & resources. 3
Test your career knowledge with a Quick Quiz! 4
Quick Quiz 1.According to a recent survey, what percent of employers use GPA as a way to screen candidates? a.0% b.50% c.Over 70% d.Over 20% Resource: NACE Job Outlook
Quick Quiz 2. What is the number one attribute employers want to see on a candidate’s resume? a.Ability to work in a team b.Initiative c.Creativity d. Strong work ethic Resource: NACE Job Outlook
Quick Quiz 3. True or False, the use of career services increases the likelihood of a student getting a job offer? -TRUE Resource: NACE 2010 Student Survey 7
Quick Quiz 4. True or False, employers may look at any information you have online (facebook, etc.) and use that in a hiring decision? -TRUE 8
Free web-based tool for students and alumni. 12
Getting Started Consider what help you need What have you already done? Do a few things each semester Get involved Connect with Faculty, Counselors, Advisors and staff Take advantage of college resources It’s NEVER TOO EARLY to start planning for a career! 13
We hope to see you soon! Location: Nesconset Hall, Suite One Call us at: (631) Start your journey towards a career today! Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm *Limited evening hours are available by appointment 14