1 Early College Career EEEE’s Model Presented by Early Colleges of Forsyth Tech Community College Susan Q. Phelps, Ph.D., Dean of Educational Partnerships Porchia L. McDaniel M.Ed., Early College of Forsyth Liaison Rhonda Moyer M.Ed., Stokes Early College Liaison
Why is a career model necessary for Early College students? How do you implement a career model? What does the Career EEEE’s Model look like? How do we gain buy in from college administrators and public school administrators to gain support. Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 2
We knew we had to make some changes to better prepare our students for making wise career choices…..The graduates told us so!! Informal Graduate Survey Facebook and Holiday visits The State recognized the need to educate students about careers. Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 3 Making the Right Career Choice is Essential
Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 4 Why is a career model necessary for Early College students? Unique population of students entering university with general education requirements met Specialized skill sets essential for students to thrive in career specific courses due to the experiences of past graduates Current global economic environment requires students be able to think critically and make informed decisions concerning the careers they choose to pursue
Grade Level Specific Career Driven Activities Support of Internal/External Partners Community and College Resources Time Sensitive Data Informed (Career Assessments, etc.) Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 5
6 E xposure: Utilizing the Right Tools Assessments Career Interest Survey created by P. McDaniel College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) Assessments (CFNC) CFNC Accounts Workshop series Leadership Academic Success Career Readiness College and Career Fairs
Career Specific Keynote Speakers Art/Media, Medical, Manufacturing, Human Services/Education, Engineering and Technology, Law Data Informed, Student Interest & Community Partnerships ACA 122 (College Transfer Success) Career Portfolio Research Career Choices CFNC Virtual Tours Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 7
8 E xperience: Introduction to Work: Lunch and Learn- Professionalism Professional Dress and Interview Skills Semester Long Service Projects Students working with Community Partners
Leadership Series Sponsored by Forsyth Tech Student Government Association Co-Op Work Experiences Internships- Paid and Unpaid Job Shadowing Job Site Visits Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 9
Money Staff Scheduling Buy-in Student Questions “Why Now?” Understanding the Sense of Urgency Transportation Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 10
Solutions Gain support from college administration Form a Career Team of diverse staff from Early College and Community College Staff Build Relationships with Community Partners Introduce students to Career Model in increments/ Grade activities Know your students and be transparent with vision/mission of Career Readiness Model Model leadership, career, professionalism Attend Career Readiness workshops Continual Career Readiness Research Forsyth Tech Partnerships11
Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 12
Educational Partnerships of Forsyth Tech Community College 13 Contact Information Dr. Susan Phelps, Dean Educational Partnerships Porchia L. McDaniel, Early College Forsyth Liaison Rhonda Moyer, Stokes Early College Liaison