A report to the School Committee April 2, 2012
As part of its accountability system, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education oversees local compliance with education requirements. All reviews cover selected requirements in the following areas: Special Education Civil Rights and Other General Education Requirements English Learner Education in Public Schools Career/Vocational Technical Education CPR
Special Education (SE) 65 indicators Civil Rights and Other General Education Requirements (CR) 27 indicators English Learner Education (ELE) in Public Schools 18 indicators Career/Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) 39 indicators CPR
1. Assessment of students 2. Student identification and program placement 3. Parent and community involvement 4. Curriculum and instruction 5. Student support services 6. Faculty, staff and administration 7. School facilities 8. Program evaluation 9. Record keeping and grant fund use CPR
Review of documentation Files Policies/procedures Handbook Manuals PD plans Etc… Interviews of administrative, instructional, and support staff 17 administrators 99 teaching and support staff (all levels) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) representative 5 parents 12 students 7 CVTE program advisory committee members Review of student records 37 special education (and 504), 10 English learner education 20 career/vocational technical education 10 cooperative education student records Surveys of parents of students with disabilities and parents of English learners Observation of classrooms and other facilities A sample of 42 instructional classrooms and other school facilities used in the delivery of programs CPR
Plymouth North High School Plymouth South High School Plymouth Community Intermediate School Plymouth South Middle School Nathaniel Morton Elementary School Federal Furnace Elementary School West Elementary School Mount Pleasant Preschool CPR
Program AreaPartially Implemented Not ImplementedOther Criteria Requiring Response Special Education Civil Rights & Other General Education Requirements Career/Vocational Technical Education CPR
Dramatic improvement ( ) Very positive staff… ◦ “invested in children and the programs” Well written progress reports Strong transition plans CPR
Timelines (IEPs) Expanding Parent Advisory Council opportunities Paraprofessional Professional Development CPR
Online videos for mandated trainings Civil Rights Health and Wellness Homeless Rights Student Records Restraint Training Student Handbook (“a model to share with other districts) Staff Handbook (produced on a CD for easy access) CPR
Paraprofessional Professional development (online trainings) Notification/written notice to students who drop out of school or former students yet to earn competency determination ◦ Send letter to parent/guardian as well as student Increase the materials we translate to ensure equal access for students/parents CPR
Staff and administration truly embrace CVTE Fewest findings our liaison has ever had “Model comprehensive high school” Career Assessments and planning process is excellent MCAS results are used to design instruction and support Special populations have equal access to CVTE programs Strong linkages with post secondary institutions Exceptional Cooperative Ed. process & implementation Needs of the Special Education students are addressed Prepare students well for high wage/kill/demand positions CPR
Publish more information on articulation agreements and further education and apprenticeship opportunities Language in Student Handbook (Out-of-district Vocational transportation and application) ◦ update to meet CH 74 guidelines (completed) Admissions Policy needs minor revisions Exploratory needs to be extended to 190 hours ◦ currently 165 hours Graduate Follow-up Survey responses need to increase Increase the Program Advisory Membership in areas of special populations to represent disability status and minority populations More consistent assessment of framework strands 4, 5, 6 CPR
Corrective Action Plan Submitted by April 13 th One year to complete actions Complete description of activities 1.Title/role of person(s) responsible for implementation of activities 2.Expected date of completion for each corrective action activity 3.Narrative description of corrective action 4.Evidence of completion of the corrective action 5.Description of internal monitoring procedures to ensure continued compliance CPR
Thank you to our outstanding teachers and administrators! Thank you to our outstanding teachers and administrators! CPR