Top Tips for the PSAE English & Reading Sections
DAY 1: ACT Reading TOP TIP: Work toward your strengths: Skip to the passage you can do best FIRST. TOP TIP: Work toward your strengths: Skip to the passage you can do best FIRST. If reading the whole passage first works best for you, DO IT. If reading the questions first works best for you, DO IT.
DAY 1: ACT Grammar TOP TIPS: Choose the shortest, most correct answer. Shorter is better! ‘NO CHANGE’ is the correct answer % of the time! TOP TIPS: Choose the shortest, most correct answer. Shorter is better! ‘NO CHANGE’ is the correct answer % of the time! ‘OMIT’ is often the right answer when it’s an option.
DAY 2 COUNTS BOTH days of the test are required for graduation. Your PSAE score combines your scores from BOTH days of the test. This score appears on your high school transcript which you send out to colleges and employers. BOTH days of the test are required for graduation. Your PSAE score combines your scores from BOTH days of the test. This score appears on your high school transcript which you send out to colleges and employers.
DAY 2: WorkKeys Reading TOP TIPS: Read the question(s) first. Skim to find the answer in the passage, but then READ CAREFULLY. The questions will want you to look closely at details in the passages. TOP TIPS: Read the question(s) first. Skim to find the answer in the passage, but then READ CAREFULLY. The questions will want you to look closely at details in the passages.
FINAL TIP: DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANKS ON YOUR TEST! Keep track of time, pick a letter (C/H), and bubble in ALL questions if you run out of time. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANKS ON YOUR TEST! Keep track of time, pick a letter (C/H), and bubble in ALL questions if you run out of time.
Thanks for your attention! Pick up a handout of ALL our tips outside the English office OR download them from Edline!