EET 333 – ENGINEERING TEAM PROJECT 2 nd Semester, 2014/2015 Session
INTRODUCTION Third time implementation in PPKSE For 3 rd year students 3 credit hours 100 % coursework Design project is a requirement by EAC manual.
Course synopsis This course introduces the small-scaled research project that inclined towards engineering designing is necessary for each third year student. The student will be given an engineering problem (or encourage to identify on their own) and gain expertise by problem solving, investigation, research writing and effective presentation of the research outcome in the form of report and seminar.
Course Outcomes CO1 : Ability to combine engineering knowledge and solve engineering design problem in team work CO2 : Ability to design a proper process to produce creative and innovative solution CO3 : Ability to demonstrate effective communication, report writing, presentation and entrepreneur skills
2015 Implementation + PPIPT Total number of students = 204 (PPKSE) + 39 (PPIPT) Total number of student team = 41 Maximum number of students per team (not including PPIPT) = 5 (40 teams x 5 students + 1 team x 4 students) Adding with PPIPT: or Team of 5 students combined from different programs, cgpa, races and gender. Each team will be assigned with: 1/2 supervisors : PPKSE 1 supervisor : PPIPT
2015 Implementation – PPIPT Student Attachment Each team (excluding 2 teams) will be attached with 1 third year student (final year student) from School of Business (PPIPT) taking Business Plan for Engineering Project (final year project). Students from PPIPT will help in looking the commercialization potential of the project and develop the business plan for the project. The students form PPIPT will not help in any activities related to the technical aspects (design, testing etc) of your project. Win-win situation (technical + commercial value). Separate evaluation between PPIPT and PPKSE.
2015 Implementation – PPIPT Student Attachment We have set the minimum meeting for different school to be at least 3 times (but the minimum meetings between our students with our supervisor is 10.). The supervisors from both schools together with their students are planned to be gathered on 4 March 2015 (Wednesday). The supervisors from both schools will discuss on how the meeting between supervisors and students will be carried out, their expectations from the project, etc.
Team member selection (Sem I) Supervisor selection (Sem 1) Submit Project Proposal to panel (3 rd week) Student Briefing (2 nd week) Draft report correction (week 11-12) Team Project Activities Final Presentation & Demo (Week 14) Submit draft report to supervisor (week 9-10) Submit Final Draft Report to panels (Week 13) Start End Final Draft Report correction (week 15) Final Report Submission (week 16) Items purchasing Project design Development & construction Project testing Report writing etc Items purchasing Project design Development & construction Project testing Report writing etc Proposal Presentation (4 nd Week)
Start Briefing to lecturer Assign students for each group (different programs, genders, races, cgpa) & assign supervisors for each group Briefing to Student Discuss with supervisor on project title Prepare project proposal Discuss with supervisor on project title Prepare project proposal Submit proposal to Panel A A Accepted Proposal checked by supervisor A A Project begin Weekly meeting with supervisor Project begin Weekly meeting with supervisor Submit draft report to supervisor Make correction Check student draft report Accepted Improvement Submit Report Evaluation Form B B Accepted Make correction Improvement Proposal Presentation Panel submit proposal evaluation form
B B Submit final draft report to panels Final Presentation & Demonstration Make correction based on comments by panels Submit final report to coordinator Panels check & evaluate on final draft report & submit back to students End Evaluate team member Submit project claim form to supervisor C C C C Submit minutes of meeting evaluation form Submit supervisor evaluation form (weekly) Submit minutes of meeting evaluation form Submit supervisor evaluation form (weekly)
Minutes of meeting Addresses what have been done in previous week, problems occurred during current week project activities and their proposed solutions, and what will be done in next week. At least 10 times. Must be submitted to supervisor. Dateline : each Friday. It is suggested to rotate among the team members to prepare the minutes of meeting.
Team Member Evaluation At the end of the semester, each student will evaluates their own team members in term of leadership skill, teamwork skill, communication skill, tasks completion, participation and attitude. Team member evaluation contributes 5 % from total marks.
Supervisor Evaluation Supervisors have to evaluate each student member on weekly basis. The evaluation will be on weekly progress (group) and student’s behavior and commitment (individual). Attendance of each student during weekly meeting will be made compulsory.
Project Demonstration & Final Presentation Final Presentation & Project Demonstration will be held in week 14. Marks are distributed in two parts: Group and individual marks. Presentation length : 40 minutes Students from PPIPT are encouraged to join to support their members in commercialization potential assessment.
Final report Final report must be written using ETP Report Guideline. Maximum pages for final report is 50 pages. Students are advised to make their report between pages. Final Draft Report must be submitted in week 13 (to panel) after all corrections have been made based on comments by supervisor. Final Draft Report then will be checked by panels and students are required to make any correction based on comments by panels. Finally, Final Report must be submitted to coordinator in week 16. Final Report contributes 40 % from total marks (SV = 20 %, Panels = 20 %)
Plagiarism Any attempt by students to plagiarize other person’s project/product is strongly prohibited. Any plagiarism found will be recorded and all students in that team are considered fail and need to repeat the course. Students are required to use the Turn It In software for plagiarism checking. Originality report of less than 30 % similarity.
Budget & Claim Maximum of RM 200 will be allocated to each team. Students are required to use their own money first before claiming for the return. All receipts must be kept safely for claiming purpose. The claim form must be submitted to supervisor. Supervisor will checked the amount of the claim (maximum RM 200), along with the receipt and submitted to the school.
Team Project Activities Each Wednesday has been allocated for ETP. Venue: DK8, school area, laboratories, library, student residences, etc.
Task Distribution Leader Secretary Treasurer Etc. All members MUST take part in the design, testing, presenting, reporting processes. Separate the task wisely and fairly.
Contacts & Information En Muhd Hafizi Pn Zetty Nurazlinda Pn Ami Nazifah En Mohd Shihabudin En Mohd Irwan Cik Farrah Salwani Cik Noor Ashikin Official FB Group: