Unit 3 Advertising. In this unit, you will first listen, and then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising ; read about the influence.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Advertising

In this unit, you will first listen, and then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising ; read about the influence of advertising on people and the role of the Ad Council in the U. S ; learn new words and expressions learn about conjunctions and connective words; write a personal advertisement ; visit Culture Salon for the advertising photography

Listen Unit 3 Advertising Talkand Part I

Unit 3 Advertising Directions: Listen to the following passage and try to fill the missing words. Click here to listen. Many products for sale seem to scream at us, “Buy me! Buy me!” Advertising is a big business in our world with many products 1. _______ for our attention. Think of the last time you bought clothes. You probably noticed the 2. _______ of colors, patterns, fabric and brands you could 3. _________ from. Which kind of soft 4. _______ would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want? Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our senses. But products aren’t always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as 5. _______, we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to 6. _______ products and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need. Coupons are also a form of advertising. Sometimes fast food is tempting because a coupon is offered, even though there are more healthy choices for eating. The good thing about advertising is that it helps people to 7. _______ and refine their choices. In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Their purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can 8. _______ to. Inspiring ads cause individuals to take action and even save lives. 9. _______ in America, for example has been reduced over the years because of the creative Public Service advertisements that the council 10. _______. “Please, please don’t be a litter bug, ‘cause every ‘litter bit’ hurts.” Many families have taught their children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected generations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter.

Unit 3 Advertising Directions: Listen to the following paragraphs and decide which picture is described in detail. Click here to listen.

Unit 3 Advertising Advertising The photos are all related to Advertising. Describe them to your classmates with the help of the following question. 1.What are the pros and cons of advertising? 2.How does advertising influence you in your purchase decisions? 3.What is your opinion about the functions of public service advertisements?

Read Unit 3 Advertising Exploreand Part II

Passage A The Victim Unit 3 Advertising

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 1.You could call me a shop-a-holic, as most of my friends do, but I call myself a lover of fashion. (para. 1) You could call me a shopping addict, as most of my friends do, but I'd rather say I love to buy things in fashion.. 你可以说我是购物狂,朋友大都这样说我,不过我 自认为是个时尚爱好者。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 2.But as I progressed to high school, advertising became a big influence. (para. 3) But as I moved ahead to high school, I paid more attention to advertising. 但从高中开始,广告产生了很大的影响。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 3.The clothing in high school became something that defined you: High school students seem to adopt a notion that by wearing expensive clothes they are wealthy, smart, or superior in some way. 高中时衣着界定你的身份.

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 4.Yet my friends and I still turn to advertising, now not only to stay in fashion but more so to find our own style. (para. 4) Yet my friends and I still pay attention to advertising, not only to follow the fashions, but more to find our own personal style.. 我和朋友们依然关注广告,不过现在不只是为了紧跟时尚, 更想找到自己的风格。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 5.Advertising feeds off human insecurities and make us want to be like these beautiful people. Advertising makes people insecure about who they are and need expensive clothes to make them look good. 广告利用人类的不甘人后的心理,怂恿我们去学这些俊男 美女。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 6.Advertisers show us people around us, yet they choose only a certain look.(para. 5) Advertising makes people insecure about who they are and need expensive clothes to make them look good. 广告给我们看到的是我们身边的人,但他们只选择特定的 类型。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 7.Is it the victim's fault for believing, or the fault of society for allowing advertisers to do so? (para. 6) Is it the buyer's fault for believing the advertising, or society's fault for allowing ads to make us buy things we don't need? 怪人们相信广告吗?还是该怪社会纵容广告误导人?

Unit 3 Advertising Passage B The Ad Council at a Glance

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 1. Our slogans and characters are more than memorable - they raise awareness, inspire individuals to take action, and save lives. (para. 1) Our slogans and characters are not just easy to remember, they also greatly influence people's attitudes and actions, and they save lives. 我们创作的口号和形象不只是令人难忘,而且能引起广泛 关注,激励人们采取行动,挽救无数的生命 。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 2.The War Advertising Council, a private, non- profit organization, was founded to rally support for World War II-related efforts. (para.6) The War Advertising Council, which did was not work established by for either the government or for profit business, was founded aimed to encourage people to help support World War II. 战时广告委员会是一个私人建立的非盈利性机构,成立的 初衷是为与二战有关的活动募集资助。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 3.The Ad Council's mission is to identify a select number of significant public issues and stimulate action on those issues through communications programs that make a measurable difference in our society. (para. 7) The Ad Council's main goal is to choose decide on a few of vital well-chosen important public issues and get encourage people to do something useful about themthat helps to improve the society through effective communications programs. 广告委员会的使命是精心挑选出若干重大社会问题,通过 传播方案,激励人们采取相应的行动,在一定程度上改变 社会现状 。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 4.The Ad Council reached out to the federal government as well as important national non- profits with an offer to create and also distribute their crisis-related messages to media outlets nationwide. (para. 10) 广告委员会主动联系联邦政府及美国重要的非赢利 机构,提出创作与危机相关的公益广告,在全国的 媒体播出 。

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Notes to the Text 4. The Ad Council appealed to the American government and the major national non- profit organizations for producing and distributing messages about the 9-11 disaster to various media outlets throughout the country..

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Culture Salon Advertising Photography Advertising photography is designed to sell products or services by capturing a viewer ’ s attention. It can be found in magazines, newspapers, and catalogs. The photographs may stand alone, or they may be combined with words to sell a product or illustrate a concept. Typically, an art director or advertising agency determines the content of the picture and hires a photographer to create the image. The image may be a still life of a company ’ s product, or the photograph may try to elicit an emotion the advertiser wishes to associate with a product. Male and female models are often used to create moods, especially in fashion photography. The photographer visually translates the idea into the final image using a variety of tools and techniques. He or she charges a daily rate for taking photographs, plus expenses, including the cost of hiring freelance assistants, stylists, and makeup artists when necessary. Some of the technical elements a photographer must skillfully control include sharpness, exposure, lighting, composition, and color reproduction.

Experiencing English 2 Unit 3 Advertising Goal Checking On a scale of A to E, where A stands for “very well”, B for “well”, C for “moderately well”, D for “not very well”, and E for “not at all”, rate how well you have achieved the goals set at the beginning of this unit. A B C D E give shopping suggestions A B C D E understand the two reading passages A B C D E use the new words and expressions A B C D E write about why people have become victims of advertising A B C D E use conjunctions and connective words A B C D E write the personal advertisement A B C D E understand the advertising photography If you have given yourself a C or lower rating on any of these goals, please: -visit the Experiencing English website for additional help. -review the section that you found difficult. -ask your teacher for extra help. work with a peer or form a study group to reinforce your progress.

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