EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network: IMVUL – ‘Towards improved Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment’ CALL FOR OPEN RESEARCH POSITIONS IMVUL is a network of 8 partners throughout Europe whose aim is to train researchers in the major issues, scientific challenges and operational problems of groundwater vulnerability through individual research. Posts are available for Early Stage Researchers (Ph.D. student positions) and Experienced Researchers (post-doctoral positions). PhD positions are for 36 months and postdoctoral positions for 24 month duration. These are salaried positions with salaries (subject to county correction factors) of Euros 34,500 for PhD positions and Euros 53,000 for postdoctoral positions. Research projects focus on aspects of groundwater vulnerability and fall into three main categories: field based aquifer case studies, laboratory-based research and theoretical/modelling techniques. Network researchers will also participate in a range of courses, summer schools, workshops, work experience placements in industry and take part in annual meetings as part of the network’s activities. See the following list of projects for more information. Eligibility: To be eligible for these positions you must have a degree in a geological or related science which you obtained no more than 4 years ago (for PhD projects) or 5 years ago (for postdoctoral positions), and not have been resident in the host country for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. The network encourages particularly researchers from Eastern Europe and women to apply. Send a CV, statement of motivation (one A4 side) and references as soon as possible by to the relevant contact person. It is expected that initial posts will be filled in September The IMVUL network is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in employment.
List of Projects: 11 PhD positions and 3 postdoctoral positions are available. See below for titles with contact details and web addresses for further information. Field based aquifer case study projects Groundwater vulnerability in unconfined Chalk (PhD position, UK): Dr. Jared West, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK Borehole water level response to barometric pressure as an indicator of groundwater vulnerability (PhD position, UK): Dr. Noelle Odling, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK Inverse modelling of borehole flow measurements and hydrogeophysical data for imaging flow paths in heterogeneous geological media (PhD position, France): Dr Tanguy Le Borgne, Géosciences Rennes CNRS, France Vulnerability of natural springs in the Cremona unconfined aquifer (PhD position, Italy): Prof. Alberto Guadagnini, Department of Hydraulic, Environmental, Transportation and Surveying Engineering (DIIAR), Politecnico di Milano Vulnerability of the drinking water well field of the city of Bologna (PhD position, Italy): Prof. Alberto Guadagnini, Department of Hydraulic, Environmental, Transportation and Surveying Engineering (DIIAR), Politecnico di Milano Laboratory-based projects Reactive transport involving dissolution/precipitation and sorption (post-doctoral position, Israel): Prof. Brian Berkowitz, Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Microbial controls on fluid flow and contaminant speciation in dual porosity media (PhD position, UK): Dr. Steve Elphick, School of Geoscience, University of Edinburgh In-situ and real-time monitoring of fluid flow and contaminant speciation during biogeochemical and reactive flow experimentation (postdoctoral position, UK): Dr. Steve Elphick, School of Geoscience, University of Edinburgh Groundwater vulnerability in coastal aquifers (PhD position, Spain): Prof. Jesus Carrera, Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain Characterization of emerging pollutant degradation processes in soil and aquifers (PhD position, Spain): Prof. Jesus Carrera, Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain Modelling based projects Modelling techniques for improved contamination assessment (postdoctoral position, Israel): Prof. Brian Berkowitz, Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Transport in fractured porous media (PhD position, France): Dr. Pierre M. Adler, UPMC-Sisyphe, France Modelling of mineral-microbe systems (PhD position, France): Dr. Pierre M. Adler, UPMC-Sisyphe, France Modelling reactive transport in heterogeneous porous media (PhD position, France): Dr Tanguy Le Borgne, Géosciences Rennes CNRS, France