Creating Scalable and Dynamic Graphics for World in conflict
Rodrigo Cortes Lead Artist for World in Conflict 9 years experience in the games industry Worked as 3D artist, level designer, animator, concept artist Previous titles Deathrow (Xbox), XIII (Xbox), Ground Control II (PC) Works mainly on new concepts Lead Artist for World in Conflict 9 years experience in the games industry Worked as 3D artist, level designer, animator, concept artist Previous titles Deathrow (Xbox), XIII (Xbox), Ground Control II (PC) Works mainly on new concepts
Introduction movie
Screenshot movie
Design challenges Hundreds of units on-screen
Design challenges FPS-like quality units up close
Design challenges Recognizable from far away
Design challenges Fully 3D RTS Camera
WicED Terrain tech Texturing 8-16k textures Proping Scripting Terrain tech Texturing 8-16k textures Proping Scripting
WicED movie
Showbox Working with props, characters, particles, etc. Extensive pipeline Built around Lightwave/modo format Working with props, characters, particles, etc. Extensive pipeline Built around Lightwave/modo format
Showbox – Units Movie will be here! 2 min duration
Showbox – Houses Movie will be here! 2.5 min duration
Asset control Propdump – godsent!
Team Art team grew from 8 to 24 during the project 75% of the art team had never worked professionally before Outsourcing – or lack of Art team grew from 8 to 24 during the project 75% of the art team had never worked professionally before Outsourcing – or lack of
Team Responsibility over your own tasks No ordered overtime Trust on inexperienced people – you will be surprised! Can only be successful with Senior staff Responsibility over your own tasks No ordered overtime Trust on inexperienced people – you will be surprised! Can only be successful with Senior staff
Project Iterative process Implement fast Test extensively Evaluate Keep what works Don’t be afraid throw stuff out And Polish, polish, polish Iterative process Implement fast Test extensively Evaluate Keep what works Don’t be afraid throw stuff out And Polish, polish, polish
Movie will be here! 4 min duration Iteration
Project Living workspace Singleplayer scope changed Last minute features Destructible terrain DX 10 Phone Calls/Preludes Living workspace Singleplayer scope changed Last minute features Destructible terrain DX 10 Phone Calls/Preludes
Conclusions Iteration Outsourcing Responsibility New team Be ready for change! Iteration Outsourcing Responsibility New team Be ready for change!
Q&A Thank you for listening! Thank you for listening!