Numerical modeling and sensitivity analysis of landslide tsunami: Lituya Bay and La Palma Josh Taron
The Setting: Lituya Bay Miller, 1960
The Stage: Gilbert Inlet Modified from Fritz et al., 2001
The Numerical Recipe: Level-Set Indicator Functions and Smooth Heaviside Demarcating Physical Properties Dimensionless Navier-Stokes Advection-Diffusion of Indicators
Numerical Recipe: Landslide FEMLAB’s Full Stress Tensor Iverson et al (1985)
No slip boundaries with bulk density 1610 kg/m3 Slip boundary - same conditions
Validation Maximum Landslide Velocity Wave Height 1610 kg 30.6 Mm Newmark, 1965 Dynamic FOS Maximum Velocity Noda, 1970 Slingerland et al., 1979 a = -1.25 b=0.71 1610 kg 30.6 Mm FEMLAB Slingerland et al (using 48 m/s) Noda Max Vel. Height 158m 100m 125m -- velocity 48m/s 55 m/s Slide path length = 358m, slide height, h, = 90m
Parametric Analysis Density Slope Angle Slide Volume Slide Velocity Wave Height 1610 40 30.6 Mm3 48 m/s 158m 51.6 Mm3 56 m/s 203m 2700 66 m/s 208m 45 52 m/s 178m Slip Boundary 57 m/s 228m
References Iverson, R., 1985. A constitutive equation for mass movement behavior. Journal of Geology, 93: 143-160. Miller, D.J., 1960. A timely account of the nature and possible causes of certain giant waves, with eyewitness reports of their destructive capacity, Geological survey professional paper 354-C, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington. Fritz, H.M., Hager, W. H., and Minor, H. -E., 2001. Lituya Bay case: Rockslide impact and wave run-up. Science of Tsunami Hazards, 19(1): 3-22. Newmark, N.M., 1965. Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments. Geotechnique, 15(2): 139-160. Noda, E., 1970. Water waves generated by landslides: Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal Waterways Harbors Div, 96(4): 835-855. Slingerland, R.L., and Voight, B., 1979. Occurences, properties, and predictive models of landslide-generated water waves. In: Developments in Geotechnical Engineering 14B: Rockslides and Avalanches, 2, Engineering Sites., Voight, B., ed.(Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company): 317-397.
Thanks To be continued with La Palma…